chapter 8- trip to FLORIDA

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it is now the 'summer holidays' for footballers to rest and recover for the next season. however we only get a 3 week rest then its straight to Australia and New Zealand for the world cup. i am so happy i managed to make the team as it will be my first world cup and we have high hoped as we won the euros last year. but for 3 weeks it is time to rest and recover and where else better to go then Florida with the arsenal squad. we had all booked a 2 week holiday in Florida and 1 of the weeks are going to be spent and disney world. i have been so exited to go, however i am nervous of flying. Nobody suspects this as i am always on planes, but usually there short journeys, i have never done a 8 hour plane trip so im nervous but i will have beth sat next to me so it should be okay. i am just finishing packing as we are leaving today and i am the only one awake in the house as katie, ruesha, leah, jordan, amber( jens girlfriend) , jen and beth are all still sleeping.
leah was the next to wake up as i was greeted by her grouchy face first thing this morning
V- morning le
L- morning viv, where your bird at? still sleeping i pressume
V- i should be asking you the same question shouldnt i but yeah beths sleeping, ive been awake since 3:30am
L- bloody hell viv u okay ?
V- im fine, just nervous as i dont like long plane journies
L- does beth know this
V- no i dont want to worry her so lets keep it on the low
L- okay viv im gunna finish getting ready
Leah went upstairs to finish off getting ready
i went upstairs and told viv i was getting ready, but i was really going to see if beth was awake to speak to her. i walk into beth and vivs room and beth was walking around the room packing the last of her stuff
L- beth can i speak to you ?
B- hey le, of course you can, everything okay?
L- its about viv
B- uh-ohh whats she done nowww?
L- nothing she told me not to worry you but, are you aware that she has been awake since 3:30 because shes scared of flying and shes been pacing up and down the room for ages
B- no im not but thanks for letting me know ill keep my eye out.
vivs pov:
2 hours later...
we got onto the coach with the whole arsenal squad as it is a 2 hour drive to the airport.
me and beth where sat on a table opposite leah and jordan. They where noisy as usual. i was quiet and i sat their playing with my thumbs. I think Beth noticed i was nervous and she slowly placed her hand on my upper-inner thigh and started to rub her thumb up and down trying to comfort me. i slowly placed my head onto her shoulder and she moved against the window of the bus so i could lie on her chest between her thighs. she slowly comforted me by rubbing her thumb over my face and i started to drift off to sleep.
2 hours later
B- viv ?
B- wake up lieverd we are at the airport
Beth wakes me up and slowly rubs the side of my face with her thumb to comfort me as i woke up properly. i got up and Beth interlocked her hand in mine as we walked slowly into the airport. We got onto the plane and sat down
B- your nervous arent you viv?
V- N-no im n-not
B-come here
as its a 8 hour flight every gets there own little room but me and beth paid extra to share one, beth pulls me over to her so i am lying on her chest and puts the tv on and passes me an airpod whilst she puts the other in her ear. she slowly began rubbing her thumb up and down my face, so i pull myself so i am practically on top of her and place my lips on hers. i make myself comfortable lying on top of her and she slowly rubs her hand up and down my back comforting me as i start to drift off to sleep

vivianne miedema X beth meadWhere stories live. Discover now