Chapter 8: Are We Rizzy now?

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My heart was beating at a rapid pace, and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. Riley McDonough had just asked me out, I could not believe this was happening. Was this even real, or was it just yet another one of my fantasies?

“Are you going to tweet?” Riley’s voice sent my heart, on yet another roller coaster kind of rush.

“What?” I was so lost in thought, what was going on?   I just stared a head, unable to keep my thoughts focused. Everything was one big mess, in my mind.  I tried putting the pieces together but, every time I did all that I could think was, Riley kissed me, Rizzy actually happened. My life long goal to kiss a boy band member really did happen, and for some reason it did not feel quite right.

“You said if Rizzy ever happened you would tweet about it.” 

“Oh right….” I took my phone out of my pocket, and stared straight ahead, as I began the life changing tweet.

“So, what would you guys do if I told you #Rizzy was a legit thing now?” I closed my eyes, and pressed send. I waited for the responses to come rolling in.

@ByeSupport: I can’t even…I am crying! Are you serious?!

@TobyFans: I’d flip the lid!

@ByeLyrics: I’d be extremely jealous, but happy at the same time!

@TheRealJosieHoward: Rizzy has been always been real!

The responses kept rolling in, and my phone would not stop buzzing. There was one tweet that caught my attention the most though, it was one that could never be forgotten, and it was proof that this was not just a dream.

@BYERiley:  To answer your questions yes #Rizzy is real. @BYETheBestThing is my girlfriend.

“It’s Official now.” I slid my phone back into my pocket, with shaking hands.

“Are you happy?” Riley gripped onto my hand.

“Yeah…” before I could proceed to tell him what was going on in my messed up head, my phone began to break out into song. 

“Hello?” I answered.

“Girl! It’s Josie!” One of my best friends, whom I’ve never met, answered.

“OH HEY!” I smiled with excitement, forgetting what was actually going on around me.

“Is it true?” Reality came crashing down on me, yes, it was true. I was no longer single.

“Yeah…” I exhaled, trying to sound too nervous.

“I don’t believe this!” I could hear the hint of jealousy in her voice.

“Well you better…” I tried letting out a laugh, but all that came out was an awkward croak.

“Is he with you?” 

“Yeah, hold on one second.” I switched the phone on to speaker, so she could hear Riley. “Riley, it’s my friend Josie, say something.”

“Something.” Riley laughed.

“Wait! IS THIS REALLY RILEYY?!” Her voice changed from a scared tone, to a voice of excitement!

“Yeah.” Riley and I both laughed.

“Prove it!”  Josie demanded.

“Okay, im going to hang up, just hold on.” Riley ended the phone call.

“What are you doing?” Riley was taking my phone from me.

“We are going to take a picture and send it to Josie.” Riley wrapped his arm round me, and snapped a picture.

Josie: Izzy that’s not real…it can’t be! You better not be joking with me, I can’t handle this. Ahh my Rizzy Feels.

Riley proceeded to play with my phone, “Hey Josie, I’m Riley.” Riley was recording a video, I have no idea why he would introduce himself, and how could Josie not know who he was! “And this is my girlfriend Izzy.” he switched the camera towards me, I awkwardly waved. “And I enjoy surprising her.” He leaned in and caught me off guard yet again. “I love surprising her because her reaction is priceless. So Josie, I hope this is enough proof for you.” He ended the video while managing to sneak in one last kiss.

“You should really stop doing that.” I stared at him with wide eyes, less than an hour ago, I was experiencing my first kiss, and now I was on my third. I wasn’t complaining or anything, it’s just that I don’t think my fangirl heart could handle it. His lips were so soft, and gentle, and I just couldn’t handle it. Out of all of this, I couldn’t believe he was mine. I had known him for two days, and I had someone how managed to get him to fall for me. I couldn’t believe it was true.

“Stop doing what?” he scooted closer to me, causing his lips to be inches from mine.

“That.” I couldn’t move away, I was in a trance. He was so perfect. Staring at his eyes where like looking into heaven, and the way his hair barley covered his eyes killed me, and that smile it was so memorizing. What made my heart race the most though, was the fact that he was mine, all mine.

“Why does it make you uncomfortable?” If he moved any closer, I would have had my fourth kiss, however he didn’t. Right before he did, the moment was wrecked by an annoying ringing, and this time it wasn’t my phone.

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