1: Expectations

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"You brat! You have a forty in math!"

A loud voice took over the house. An ash-blonde teenager rolled his ruby-red eyes, standing from the couch he sat on before his mother got the chance to smack him on the back of his head. He stood partially straight, facing his mother with an irritable glare as she entered the living room. His mother glared back, his report card crumbled in her left fist while her right laid on her hip. For a moment, it was silent. Only the faint sound of Katsuki's father doing the dishes in the kitchen could be heard. When Katsuki didn't give his mother an explanation, Mitsuki broke the quiet with a yell filled with frustration.

"You are seventeen, Katsuki! This is pathetic! School barely started as well and you're already failing? You're basically a man now, you need to set your priorities straight!" Mitsuki snarled, disregarding the scoff that escaped Katsuki's lips. She continued with her lecture.

"You do realize when you finish high school I'm kicking you out, right? Because I'm not gonna have a good-for-nothing thirty-year-old son still living in my house one day! You either get your act together or find a job." She gave him a strict look before leaving him alone once again in the living room.

Katsuki huffed, stomping upstairs. He walked over to his bedroom door, opening it. As soon as he did, another scream from his mother came from downstairs.

"And you're grounded from your video games!"

He groaned out in anger, walking into his room before slamming the door close behind him. He flopped onto his bed back-first, glaring at his ceiling. His stomach rumbled, he hadn't eaten dinner yet. But he chose to ignore it, refusing to make food while his parents were still in the kitchen. Katuski rolled onto his side, letting out an annoyed sigh. He didn't like school and by the looks of it, he wasn't going to pass his classes any time soon. With that in mind, he decided he'd find a job, a small one for the time being until he figured out what he wanted to do with his life.

Katsuki huffed out another sigh, this one sounding more stressed out than irritated from before. He remained lost in his own racing thoughts for minutes on end until his phone that was tucked into the back pocket of his jeans rang, announcing he had a new notification. Katsuki rolled his eyes and pulled his phone from his pocket, clicking on the notification. It read: '1 New Message From ProDeku1' on Discorb. He subconsciously smirked, opening the app, his eyes scanning through the message.

Hey, E! Wanna play a game later?

Can't. Got grounded again.

Again? What did you do this time?

Nothing! My ma's just pissed because I'm failing my classes.

Oh... You know my offer still stands, I don't mind tutoring you.

Nah, I don't need some loser like you helping me out with school.

Hey! This loser has straight A's unlike someone I know 😋

Don't even get me started, nerd!

Despite himself, Katsuki cracked a small smile, his stress from before suddenly gone. He enjoyed his online best friend's company but he'd never admit it, too stubborn for his own good. Sometimes he found it funny how he was friends with someone he never met in person before. He didn't know what Deku even looked like. Hell, for all he knew, he could be talking to some old creep pretending to be a teenager. But he never let that thought sink in. Katsuki had known Deku since he was ten. What kind of sicko would stick around for seven years?

I gtg, I have to help my mom set the table. I'll talk to you later, E!

E. Katsuki always found it weird when Deku called him that, even when he's been calling him E for years now. The nickname almost reminded him of his real-life best friend, Eijiro. But since Katsuki's user was so long, Deku called him E for the 'Explosion' in the middle of his user. The boys never gave the other their real name and they respected each other for it. When you're talking to some person online, you can never be too careful. Even if you've known them for seven years.

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