3. But I'm A Girl?!

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"Wait, what do you mean the whole wizarding world? I'm just me, I'm really nothing special."

"Miss potter, you are heir to the potter fortune, part of the sacred 28, and the Boy who lived— pardon, girl who lived."

"But what does that all mean. What did I live through?"

"Your parents were Lilly and James potter and strong supporters of the light. A dark wizard came to your home and killed your parents but when he tried to kill you, he was vanquished and it left you with your scar. People everywhere are told stories of your life and what a great wizard you will be." Sharpclaw explained.

I nodded trying to absorb everything I've been told.

Sharpclaw turned his attention back to the parchment. "You're also a werewolf."

I straightened my back feeling defensive, "yes sir, I was turned at a young age by a wolf I knew. This wolf took care of me and fed me when my relatives did not. I have learned to bond with my wolf on a deeper level and control my shifting to the point I can chose not to shift at all. But I also had to adjust my dietary needs to accomplish this. I have not harmed another human since my turn." My eyes flashed gold in defiance and the goblin grinned sharply. "I understand even in books that Werwolfs are not the most accepted and I'm sure for a fee you can forget my affliction."

"I have no quarrel with you or your wolf, consider it done." He went back to reading the parchment and cursed in another language.  "Your parents wills were also never read. I will be right back with the documents."

I picked up the paper he left and read it more in depth. I'm lord to a few houses, none I know the significance of. I have three godfathers: Sirus black, Remus lupin, and Severus Snape. I also have a godbrother named Neville Longbottom, and Draco Malfoy.

When Sharpclaw came back with another goblin, Griphook, the potter account manager. I asked why I did not go to my godfathers.

"Sirus black was imprisoned for wrongly being accused of killing 11 muggles. Remus lupin is a werewolf like yourself and would be denied gaurdianship, but he can now because you both are of the same species. And Mr Snape was never informed of being your godfather."

"Wrongly imprisoned? Is there a chance for retrial?" I asked worriedly.

"He was never given a trial." Griphook interjected.

"Can I petition his trial? You said I'm part of the sacred 28, that sounds important." I shook my head. "No, I should buy books and understand the magical world and it's laws or politics before I bother using my influence." I cleared my throat before looking up to the two creatures. "The wills of my parents, why were they never read?"

"They were sealed by Dumbledore, he was also the one who left you with your relatives. He's done many other things to wrong the great goblin nation. Maybe if we worked together we could right these wrongs."

"I'm sure we can come to an agreement." I said extending an olive branch. Not even knowing how vital this moment would later become.

Griphook broke the seal on my fathers will and I expected him to read it when the parchment stretched and began to read itself. It was read in a soft but baritone voice. My fathers voice I assumed and I felt my eyes water.

"I, James Potter here write this will, blah blah blah! Blah blah!" I heard the shuffling of clothes and imagined he was fidgeting. "I'd like to apologize to you Severus. I was the meanest prick in school and I'm sorry we treated you so horribly. It wasn't nice or right by you. Your probably one of the best potion makers in the world. Your potion saved my lily flower and our child and I can never thank you enough. Severus Snape I owe you a life debt and I hope the war ends soon so I can tell you. I leave to you my grandfather Fleamont Potter's potion book.
"Harry, if this is you, I want you to know that we loved you with all our hearts and I hope your Dogfather and Moony are treating you like the little princess you are. I'm sorry that I couldn't see you grow up and that I won't be there when your older. But your going to meet so many amazing people at Hogwarts and say hi to McGonagall for me, call her Minnie! She used to hate that but I think she wouldn't mind it from you." There was a cough and it sounded like he was punched in the arm. "If we don't make it I want the world to know that Peter Pettigrew was our secret keeper."

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