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Mentions of murder and light smut (the murder is not described only the symptoms and they are made up)

2 weeks later

Me and Abigay are going to New York. She's been contacted by Miguel Santino's son and he wants to meet in neutral territory. "You know he could be planning an attack.."

"Trying to avenge his dad.. and that girl and her brother... his cousins.."

"Abigay... it's been two weeks! Please..."

She's been torturing me the past two weeks. She went home early the next morning and left me. I didn't get home til two days later and as soon as I walk in I'm greeted with a fist to the face.

She literally punched me to the ground, walked over me, and walked out the door. Like who the fuck just does that?! The bruise isn't even fully gone and it's been palmost two weeks.. she hits hard as fuck too.


We've just arrived to the building where Jose, Miguel's son, wants to meet up. The building looks pretty new compared to everything else on the block, and as we're getting out we see him walk out with two women by his side. One is in a rose colored pants suit with white heels, blonde hair, and pale skin. Kind of looks like a chihuahua.

The other woman looks extremely more attractive than the other with her being lightksin, pink, blonde, and red box braids in her hair, and she's chubby. She also has on regular white jeans with an orange crop top, and orange and white dunks.

"Hola Jose. Such a shame to meet in these conditions." Abigay sounds as if she's sorry but she's not. She has a very sarcastic tone to her words that she doesn't bother to hide. I look Jose in the face as he look towards Abigay and responds, "Hm. Seems like a great way to meet to me."

"This is my assistant Haley, and my fiancé. Kamaria." God, why is he so cheery... I roll my eyes and speak, "You said you wanted a meeting. Are we going to stand outside all day?" He looks at me and rolls his eyes.

I see his fiancé mean mug me from my peripheral and she grabs his hand in her own. "Talk to him like that again and I'll light you on fire." Wow.

'Her and Abigay could be great friends.'

Yea.. all murderous and handing out threats like candy. Great friends indeed...


I eye Jose's fiancé after she threatened Dmitri, although I am still furious about our 'honeymoon', I feel the need to pounce on her and rip her eyeballs from her skull with my bare hands.

"Si le hablas así a mi esposo, te arrancaré el corazón y me lo comeré." Everyone turns to stare at me and I'm staring at the fiancé. I see the slight fear flash in her eyes and I feel triumphant.

     (Abigay- If you talk to my husband like that I'll rip your heart out and eat it.)

I start to get impatient as we're just standing outside and I grab Dmitri's hand and walk us into the building. Me and Dmitri walk inside and we see workers. Some stop and stare while others continue with their jobs.

I specifically see one woman point at me while whispering to another woman beside her and they both giggle to eachother. "Wait here." I tell Dmitri. I start to walk towards the girls and when they notice me they turn and pretend to be working.

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