Chapter 1 - Nightmares

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"I'm having those nightmares again..."

Said sixteen year old Eira, as she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times as her pupils adjusted to the sudden brightness of the light she stared up at. She slowly glanced around the room once she managed to see actual objects rather than fuzzy shapes.

It was a pretty empty room, only necessities were in it, a rather comfortable, single sized bed with a wooden backboard, quite a small sized bookcase, with maybe only a dozen books, at the most, she didn't tend to read much literature. Eira didn't think that the room was too bad, until she came back to the realisation that her doors had wide metal bars between the room, and the again, metal iron door, even her windows had been barred up, but she couldn't remember why...

She sat up slowly, rubbing the back of her head with her left hand, whilst her right supported her as she came around. As she glanced around the room again, she managed to find the small security camera in the corner of the room, focusing on her.

A loud clicking sound echoed through the practically empty room as the door opened, in the doorway stood a tall man, looking almost like a doctor, or scientist of some kind. He wore small glasses, hiding his eyes, his fair skin shining slightly against the white light, his dark brown hair contrasting deeply with his white laboratory coat. He had one hand in his pocket, the other on his hip as he looked down to face Eira.

"Good morning, Eira, how are you this morning? Are you feeling any better than last night?"

Eira looked up to him, with a clearly confused expression on her face.

"What... do you mean? Who are you? How did I get here?"

As Eira spoke, her words began to become increasingly faster, as her mind became clouded with anxiety.

The slender male laughed softly as she asked her questions, adjusting the glasses on his face.

"Why, my name is Dr Dean, I've been sent to come and help you... recover."

Eira spoke softly, shocked at his explanation.

"R-recover? W-what do I need to recover from?.. I'm perfectly fine..."

The Dr just shook his head softly and placed his hand on her shoulder, to which she quickly pulled away.

"Yes,  recover. You and I both know about your 'nightmares', Eira. They are not just nightmares... But close to visions. Visions of your past and future, what you will become, and what you are."

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