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Ranboo POV

I was alone, alone with my thoughts swirling around my aching brain. What was happening? Tubbo was on their side, but he's also.. not?

Why was it important that I wasn't dead, am I needed for something, or am I just going to be used again if I don't die?

If I did nothing would change, I would finally be peaceful, not needed of, able to be forgotten about. If I died the world would be a better place, I'd be peaceful, my parents would be rid of me and Tubbo.. Tubbo could find a new best friend..

The door opened.

I wanted to speak out but I could hardly manage two syllables last time I tried, so I didn't.

Footsteps were getting nearer. Not Tubbo's friendly, quick footsteps.

Harsh, slow, dramatic.

Another pair joined them.

I knew exactly who they were.

Pretend to be dead, pretend to be deaaaaddddddd..

"The young one was not lying. He has done well.."

"If he's not actually dead.. bring the young one."

"Yes sir.."

My mother ran out of the room, returning moments later with Tubbo.

"Good.. now boy, take this. You wouldn't mind hurting him if he's already dead.." drawled my father.

" A Maximum gun, the most deadly (according to Google 😉)" He was preparing me for what was to come.

"Shoot him. Where ever you wish to shoot him. If he does not flinch, or cry or anything, we will believe that he is dead, and you will join us. However, if he does flinch or you do not shoot him, you and him will both die. So.. what is it going to be? You have a minute," my father's voice was slow and ominous.

I prepared myself.

"Thirty seconds."

Tubbo POV

"Thirty seconds."
Oh god.

What did I get myself into?

I don't want to shoot Ranboo but if I don't we'll both die for good.


Shoot him or not?


I don't want him to die but I don't want to shoot him..


Sheesh a minute really goes by quick when you have to make a choice between life or death




Wait a minute..


But I don't want to shoot him..


God I wish Techno were here to help or at least someone.




Okay I know what to do..


That's a plan


Yes I'll do that


Ranboo angstWhere stories live. Discover now