Must Love Dogs

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Short chapter sorry

I was at moms for family dinner. Karter was at the office cause they had work on a project that was coming close to an end. When in walks Kim holding a small dog. Of course Kylie squealed she loves animals.

"Oh no no no." Mom says shaking her head. "I found the dog walking around in Calabasas by the nail salon. I took him to the pound and they said they put him up for adoption for 4 days and then they put her to sleep." I gasped petting her.

"Kat maybe you could hold onto her for a little while while we find her owner?" I poured my lip saying "No Kim I'm so sorry but with everything going on in Karter's and I's life we've decided to not take on anything extra."

"I mean look at her she already has Rob living with her. That's enough animal for a life time." Bruce chuckled pointing at Rob causing me to laugh a bit too.   


I woke up to a group of guys voices coming from the kitchen

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I woke up to a group of guys voices coming from the kitchen. I look over to Karter and they are sitting up with an angry look on their face. I push the blanket off of me as I say "I'll deal with him." And walk to the kitchen. 

"What the f*ck are you guys doing in my house drunk at 3:00 in the morning?" "Uhh I live here to Katherinnneee." Rob chuckled leaning against Scott and his other friend. "Do you pay to live here?"

He just laughed and shook his head. "You either leave and go somewhere else Rob or you guys leave and Rob goes to bed. Choose one and I swear to god if this is not cleaned up by the time I get up for work there will Ben hell to pay."

I said this looking down at the broken spaghetti noodles scattered on the floor. "Ahhh she's right you guys should probably head out." Rob laughed and dabbed them up before they started to leave. "Kat you're such a buzz kill." "When you wake up we have to talk."

I watched him walk to his room and I soon did the same thing. When I sat back down onto the bed taking off my robe Karter turned to me and asked "Did you tell him what we talked about?" "I told him I had to tell him something tomorrow."

They nodded and pulled me into the spooning me. "Thank you." I smiled muscling into their neck getting ready to fall back asleep.


It was 7:30 a day I was sipping my coffee and answering emails when in walks Rob. "Wow look who's up. I thought you'd stay in bed for at least 4 more hours. Coffee?" I set down a mug a second loud as possible and chuckled watching him wince in pain.

"So what did you want to talk to me about yesterday?" "Well Rob, Karter and I have been talking and we think it would be good for all of us if you moved out and got your own place." He looked at me annoyed.

"Now you don't have to move out right away but if you could start looking for apartments that would be great." "You're kicking me out?" I felt so bad but on the other hand I couldn't deal with him anymore. "I'm sorry Rob but our lives just don't mix well when we're so close."

He nodded and stood up from his stool saying "Yeah I get it. I'm gonna go get some more sleep." When he was out the door in walks Karter with a slightly guilty look. "Thank you for doing this. And I'm sorry that I'm making you."

I shook my head saying "No you make all valid points. Trust me if I didn't agree this wouldn't even be a discussion." 


We were all at dinner with family and friends in celebration for Rob getting a new job. I leaned over in my chair as he kissed my cheek. "I'm so proud of you Rob. Congrats!" I smiled as he said "Well it's all because of you Kat. I wouldn't be who I am or where I am without you."

I couldn't help the huge smile on my face when mom goes "Uh hello?" Causing us to chuckle leaning against each other. And we all cheered and just had a fun night.

Word count (744)

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