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I arrived at the Utonium household for work. Now I just waiting for someone to open the door.

I Wait for a little and then hear the professor struggling from my ears and also a fall and then a give me a second.

When the door opens the professor is standing there his hair wet, his shirt buttoned on the wrong buttons, and his pants backward.

"Having a problem getting dressed, Professor"

"Huh...oh...haha...look I uh just got out the shower and then the girls said you we-"

"It's ok calm down you don't have to explain yourself"


"But if I were you I'd walk backward into the house"

I point to his ahem behind which because his pants were backward he obviously couldn't zip them up so what showed was his pink heart boxers


Professor feels behind him and his face then burns red he walks backward and quickly closes the door and rushes up back to his bedroom and also says thank you when he passes me.

I go upstairs to the girl's room. I knock and then enter to find the girls sleeping I decide to give them then 5 more minutes of sleep before I would have to get them ready for school.

So I go downstairs and make breakfast. When I'm done I wake the girls up and take them down to the table and hand them their food.

While they were eating I go back upstairs and knock on the professor's bedroom door.



"I made you breakfast downstairs"

"Thank you Y/n"

"No problem"

Then the door opens

"Oh Y/n do you think you can help me out"

"Huh oh sure with what?"

"I have a meeting today and if it goes well I can have funding for my next invention I want it to go well so what jacket, tie, and shoes should I wear?"

"Hmmm..let's see... I think you should wear these"

I pick them out and the professor nods in agreement

"That's perfect thank you y/n I get dressed and I will be down there to eat"

"Uh how about you come down and eat now and then get dressed"


"I am very observant and I noticed how clumsy you are so to not risk your outfit you should eat first"

"Hmm ok"

》》》》》》》(from now on these mean a time skip)

The girls are at school and the professor is at his meeting...what a boring first day of work. So now I'm watching tv after I did everything that I thought to do because I didn't have anything to do.

I look up at the clock and sigh for 2 more hours until I have to pick the girls up from their bus stop.


The 2 hours finally pass and I'm driving to the bus stop and that's when I see these teenagers picking on...kindergarteners.

I see the girls, Bubbles is crying while Blossom is trying to comfort her, and Buttercup jumping up at one of the teens.

That was when I realized he had Octi.
I hurry out of the car and rush to the girls

"Give it...back! Give me back my sisters...toy!"

"Hey, should we give the kid her toy back?"

"Yes we should"

The one with slick black hair hits the big one with red hair.

"No you idiot we shouldn't!"

"Well I think you should cuz if I get involved...it ain't...

       To be continued...

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