~Chapter three~

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I was startled awake by none other than Toby. He had kicked my mattress to wake me, disturbing my sleep. "Did you really have to do that?" I groan, still half asleep. "Get up, the mission is today and you still need to shower." He said straightforwardly, ignoring my comment.

Thank fuck I can finally shower. I feel like a pig that had rolled around in its own sweat. I sigh in relief, "Okay." I sit up and stretch my aching limbs. He takes my hands and his soft hands brush mine. My face burns slightly in response. Then he wraps the ropes around my wrists. I wince a little at how tight he wrapped them. "There ya go." I stand up and follow him to the door. I followed him through the long corridors to a bathroom. "Here's some clothes, don't take longer than 15 minutes," he said handing me a stack of clothes. I wonder whose clothes these are.. I hum as he removes the ropes and closes the door on me. "Okay.."

I take this opportunity to view myself in the mirror. I look.. horrible. My hair looks like a rats nest and I have dark bags under my eyes. I look like a raccoon. I sigh and strip myself down and hop in the shower.


"Are you done yet?" Toby called from the other side of the door. I had been viewing the clothes that he handed me. It's dark clothes, I'm assuming to stay hidden.

I open the door, "yeah I'm done." He nods and turns me around, once again putting the ropes back on. I don't know if I can ever get used to them.

He takes my arm and brings me to a kitchen which held an unfamiliar fac- no. mask.
A person with a blue mask and tar like tears dripping down the eye holes. Now I'm frightened. I hope thats just paint that continuously falls.
He is wearing a black hoodie and jeans, paired with converse.
He nodded his head toward Toby and he replicated the action toward him. So they are friends? Maybe colleagues. I looked to see what he was eating then immediately I got sick to my stomach. IS THAT ORGANS??! I got freaked out and latched onto my closest support, Toby. He tensed up and softly pushed me off of him.

He pulled me to a chair which was 2 chairs to the right from the organ eater. I just hope that it's at least an animals and not a.. humans...
We sat in silence, watching Toby cook something. It actually smells pretty good. He seems to be cooking pancakes, eggs, and bacon. A typical breakfast food.
My stomach rumbling and the amazing smelling food made me realize how hungry I really am.

Finally he finishes, and hands me a plate holding the food he was previously making. I smile a bit and take the plate. I lick my lips and take a large bite from a pancake. I can see that today will go pretty well. Hopefully.


Toby, and I are hiding in a bush. We are also with some other guy named Jeff. He's colleagues with Toby, supposedly. Jeff is here to help us in case anything happens or we get spotted. He's apparently great with combat skills.

"Why the fuck is there so many guards?" Jeff grumbled, peeking through the bushes to view the facility. I peek through the bushes as well, and spot about 7 guards already.
"You're right, I can already spot about 7. And that's only a small portion of them," I commented.

Toby nodded his head, "we might need to get closer to get a better look." I bite at the skin on my lip, "are you sure? We could get spotted." Jeff kicked at a rock, "well, if that's what we gotta do to get this shit over with, then so be it."
I bite my nails anxiously and sigh, "Alright but we've gotta be extremely careful. I don't wanna get killed." Toby prepares himself to move closer, "okay good, so we need to plan where to move." We all look around the facility's outer area and I spot a hiding place, closer to the building. It's a big tree with a wide trunk.

I point towards it, "we could hide there, it's big enough to hide all of us." They agree and we switch our hiding spot stealthily, being extra careful to not be spotted. I peek around the tree and spot 5 more guards as-well as 6 cameras surrounding the outer perimeter of the building.

"There's too many cameras to make any sudden movements," Toby hastily broke the silence. "Yeah I don't wanna get my ass caught," he paused, "especially seen with you two." I scoffed. "Thanks I'm enjoying my time with you too." I pulled up my fake smile I like using with library visitors.
Jeff rolled his eyes and I pulled my focus back to Toby whom was not paying us any mind. I'm guessing just coming up with a plan on what we should do next. I huff obviously not wanting to stand behind a tree any longer.

Toby glanced at me in a way that made my knees feel heavy. What was that?? I curse at myself in my head for reacting like that to a simple glance. My thoughts were interrupted as Toby started speaking, "let's just head out, there's too many guards and cameras for us to do anything, especially with the amount of us. I nod my head as I agree. Jeff looks relieved, "fucking shit finally." I chuckle at his relief and walk away from the building. The others following behind me.


I was displayed laying on the couch watching some old horror flick. I watched the dumb blonde not run upstairs instead of just running outside, away from the killer. "'Cmon lady are ya dumb?, Run outside!" I groan in disbelief at her stupidity.

After the movie, I slumped up from the couch and let out a small groan as I stretched my limbs.
I walked to the kitchen and saw Jeff making himself a bowl of cereal. "Hey," I said boredly, "I'm bored, Anything fun to do here?" Jeff sat down on the stool next to me. "There's many things.." Jeff paused looking at my lips, then back to my eyes. He continued, "That we could do for fun," he said with lust and a smirk on his lips. Gross. I gagged and turned away seeing a quick glance of a silhouette at the doorway. I ignored it and turned back to Jeff. I watched him cackle, and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you're no help" I sigh and get up. He shrugs, "your loss, princess."

I walked away looking for something to do. When I had no luck, I headed to the room I resided in. I opened the door and it made a loud creak. There sitting on a chair was a silhouette. "What do you want?,"  I cry out in annoyance.


Yess another chapter!

Sinbound(Ticci Toby x reader x Jeff The Killer) Where stories live. Discover now