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* You wake up... A feeling of being watched fills your senses.

"What is your name?" You input your name in the menu ...it declined the imputed name.

" I'm just kidding your name is...."



A white light blocks your vision







* Complete silence fills the space


* Welcome to [Blooming Roses]

* We hope you'll enjoy the game





*GASP* Dream woke up with a jolt. 'What?... What was that?'

Dream looked around... This isn't his room. 'Where am I?'

Dream thought calmly as he kept looking around the room thinking of a plan to get out.

A voice suddenly spoke out from behind him.

"Well isn't this a surprise? You aren't running around like your friends were."

Dream turns to the direction of the voice, Only to see a speaker.

'Clever. They didn't want to be figured out that quickly.' He concluded.

"What are you trying to achieve by doing this?" He asked the question bouncing off the walls of the room.

Only silence answered him. 'Shame' Dream thought. 'They already left.' he got up from the bed and inspected the room closer. He walked to the bedside table

"Empty... Of course, it is what did I expect? Did you really think they would leave something that obvious in a room where they trapped someone in?" Dream said to the air before closing the drawer.

Opening and looking inside the closet, Dream sees various clothes hurriedly stuffed in."Did they not prepare rooms for hostages beforehand?" while not so silently judging the person who kidnapped him, closed the closet's doors.

Checking the door... 'Yup... It's locked.' He didn't even know why he tried. He sighed, Looking down. He a note caught his eye, It says...

* You may not have a key but a rose would do just fine.

- XD

'Weird.' Dream thought. Looking at the door knob a rose-shaped box seems to replace the keyhole from earlier.




Looking at the door again... 'There's no new info, Though not sure where to get a rose from inside this room. Maybe we can check the window?'

Moving over to the window, It seems relatively normal...

'Well apart from the bars... It looks like it would electrocute me if I touch it.'




"I am not touching the bars." Dream stated.



You caught sight of some bookshelves near the corner of the room, You decide to take a look at them... they're taller up close.

Going over to the bookshelves, Dream saw something shine in between the books on the left bookshelf.

* Take the shiny object between the books?

• Take it

• Ignore it <



[Take it] <

As Dream struggles to grab the shiny object from the shelf, The hinges loosen up and...

* Crash!

* You have died! Try to check if the hinges were stable enough next time.







Dream wakes up. He isn't in his room. A rose has bloomed in his hand...

He isn't sure where he got it from. All he knows is it wasn't there before...

Still. He looks around the room. It looks familiar, He goes to the drawers...

'Yup... Still empty.'

Going straight to the door, Dream sees a box that seems to replace the keyhole.

* Place the rose?

• Yes

• No <



[Yes] <





The door unlocks.

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