The Christmas Party (MY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL)

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Lloyd's POV

And so, the next day, Christmas Eve, we got ready for the party. As discussed, we all did our jobs, and mine was to go with Harumi to the store to get food and supplies and stuff.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Harumi asked me after breakfast.

"Yeah! Let's get goin'," I replied.

"Tell the others where we'll be in case they need us," Harumi told me, and I nodded to her. "And you wait on the deck of the Bounty."

"Didn't the Bounty get destroyed?"

"What? No way, it didn't."

"If you say so."

"I'm telling the truth."

"Okay, okay, I know."

I walked off to the living room. I found everyone in there. Skylor and Nya, planning the ice rink and pool setup. Jay, Cole, and Kai: Discussing the party house and who to invite, Mabel and Vania: Managing the whole thing.

"A-hey, guys..." I said awkwardly. Everyone looked at me and I blushed. "Um, so, Harumi and I are going to the convenience store to get snacks and supplies. You know where to find us if you need anything."

"And Lloyd, keep your communicator on, you know, just in case. Just in case Harumi tries to hurt you?" Nya added.

"Um...she won't attack me, you chicken! Anyway, I'll do it, only because you asked." I replied.

Suddenly Nya came running up to me and wrapped me in a hug. I gasped, not expecting it. "Stay safe, bestie," Nya said. Everyone in the room started laughing.

"Uh...okay..." I stuttered. "Thanks."

Then I saw Kai whispering to the others, and then I heard them all say, "Stay safe, bestie!" at the same time.

"Oh my god, you guys are so cringe!" I said, wrinkling my nose. Nya ran back to her spot next to Skylor, and I left.

I met Harumi on the deck of the Bounty, as planned, and she waved. She was sitting on a bench there

"So, Rumi," I said. "Let's go."

"Yeah, let's go," she replied, and we both walked over to the wheel. I started the ship and began to fly it.

"Wow, Lloyd, you're good at flying this thing," Harumi remarked.

I blushed. "Eh, thanks. I mean, it's not really a big deal. Plus, I'm not that good, in fact, Nya is way better at flying this thi—"

I was cut off by Harumi pressing her lips onto mine.

"Aah!" I shrieked, nearly falling over, but she gripped my hand and pulled me back up.

"Sorry!" she said, and we both turned red.

"I guess now we know why they call it 'Destiny's Bounty'," I said with a laugh.

"Oh, Lloyd, that joke about 'strangler's path' in Primeval's Eye," Harumi sighed. "I remember that time."

"Yeah, the time before you betrayed me," I said with a dark look on my face.

I abruptly changed my frown to a smirk, but kept the dark look in my eyes, which just made me look sus.


"Hey, hey, hey," Harumi said, interrupting my thoughts. "You weren't at fault. In fact, I was wrong the whole time. In the Departed Realm, I found out that the Overlord was the one who powered the Great Devourer and started all this sh*t in the first place.'"

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