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Y/n.what remove

She say while open the box

Taehyung smirked and start removing his shirt

Taehyung smirked and start removing his shirt

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Y/n saw him she just froze at her place

Taehyung.i know I'm handsome now stop looking at me

Y/n.uh no actually um move

She change topics

Taehyung. Ahh


Taehyung was about to wear his shirt

Y/n.wait for dry

Taehyung. What

Y/n.if you are uncomfortable ok I wait outside-

Taehyung smirked and pull you closer by your waist you fall on him

You are on top of him

Y/n.what are you doing

Taehyung. Is it comfortable?


Taehyung. You are so innocent yrr

Y/n.you think that (smirked)

Taehyung . Really then prove


Y/n think for some seconds then she go closer to his ear and about to say
Daddy but

Jimin. Taehyung-

His eyes widen when he saw Taehyung shirtless and y/n on top

They both flinch and get up

Jimin.so-rry for disturbing you both hehe

He say and shut the door

You both stand without saying anything then Taehyung wear his shirt

Y/n.ahh it's all because of you

Taehyung.me really you are the one who told me to remove shirt

Y/n.s-o who told you to pull me huh


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