Chapter 2

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After we got back home from the airport I went back into my room and fell asleep, I woke up and it was pretty dark. The fact that I could sleep though a whole day was one of my many unlikable qualities. I got up and walked over to my desk opening my laptop and wasting hours on the Internet, it was about 2am and there was a knock on my door.

"Door's open!" I lightly shouted

'Hey can, I come in?' Connor peeked his head in

'Umm sure' I turned around in my desk chair, closing my laptop

'What do you need?'

He took a seat on my bed 'Do you like me?'

'What do you mean?'

'Well I mean we got along so well the other night when you texted me. And now that I'm here you haven't said a word to me. Did I do something?'

I walked over and sat on my bed with him 'No you didn't do anything' I set my hand lightly on his arm, it felt like a shock of electricity - I quickly pulled away

'I'm just not the biggest people person. Ricky always says I need to work on my social skills, but honestly I haven't met anyone worth my time.'

He laughed 'Oh'

We sat there quietly, it wasn't one of those awkward quiets either I felt comfortable just sitting there with him and feeling his presence. He reached over and grab my hand, I felt the serge of electricity go through me again, I wanted to pull away but something willed me not to.

'Beka?' Connor broke the silence

'Yeah?' I turned and looked at him, his soft gaze making me melt.

'I think you're absolutely beautiful'

I blushed and turned my head towards the floor "Thanks I guess"

Connor reached over and softly grabbed my face, he smiled and inched towards me. I closed my eyes and our lips met, I had never felt what I felt in this moment as me and Connor's lips moved in sync together it was like standing in the middle of the biggest firework display ever.

'Whoa' I whispered and touched my lips after we broke apart.

He looked at me and smiled. 'I've been dying to do that since I saw you in the airport'

I held his gaze 'We barley know each other, do you really think that was the best idea?'

He shrugged 'It felt like it'

I looked down and began to pick at the blue nail polish on my fingers 'Maybe you should go back to your room Connor, it's getting late'

His voice became quite 'Oh, ok.' He got up and began to walk out, and stopped at the door 'Goodnight Beka.'

I looked up and slightly smiled at him 'Goodnight Connor'

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes, I was a bit confused because Ricky didn't cook. I got up and shuffled out of my room and sat at the counter, I looked up and it was Connor cooking.

'Morning' he mumbled from the stove

'Good morning' I turned around and saw Ricky lounging on the couch

I plopped down by him 'Hey there sleepyhead' he messed up my hair and threw his arm around me 'I heard what happened last night' he whispered and gave me a little punch on the shoulder

I shrugged 'Hi, and yeah it was a bit weird. You know how I can be with people, but there's something about him though...and I just can't place it '

'He really likes you, I don't know why I mean look at you'

'Hey!' I hit him in the chest

He laughed 'I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But seriously it's weird, I've never seen him have feelings for someone so fast'

'It was really fast. I mean I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel something when he kissed me, it was like someone lit a sparkler in my stomach'

Ricky looked at me 'Give him a chance, what can go wrong'

I looked over at Connor as he set the food on the table 'We live together Ricky, everything can go wrong'

He shrugged again and got up heading to the kitchen 'Well if you felt what you did when he kissed you, it might be worth it. You'll never know if you don't chance it, learn to live a little'

"You might be right" I sighed and followed him to the kitchen

We sat down with Connor at the table and ate our breakfast

'Hey umm, Beka I was you want to go on a date with me like maybe tonight?' Connor quietly asked as he helped me with the dishes

I saw Ricky look at me from the counter and smile 'I'd love that Connor' I smiled at him and continued to load the dishwasher.

"Great" his face lit up

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