get out of my way.

662 16 10

I drive for a while, revising a plan.
That pussy Wes will never touch Tara again.

I stop outside his house, not even thinking about telling Richie. It's not too late, and he doesn't seem to be home. I can wait.

- 30 minutes later, he arrives. I see his car pull up, well, his mom's car.

An oblivious Wes steps out of a white sedan. He seems to be on a phone call, I can see him saying something with his black phone pressed against his face.

I wait a little bit after he goes inside his house. Foolishly, Tara told me where he keeps his spare keys.

But as soon as it hit the 10-minute mark, I jolt towards the back door; Im already in the costume. All I have to do is plan out where he is.

I may not be the smartest, but I'm agile and confident. He'll never see it coming.


As soon as I unlock the back door, I sneak inside. Making sure to close the door behind me. I can't make any mistakes here, even if I'm filled with adrenaline. I just bite my lip in excitement. Finally, this weasel is gonna get a hard fucking hit into reality. A hit that comes with a lot of blood and a satisfying slash of a knife.

As soon as I see him, I leap. He's on the phone and doesn't see me behind him. But before I get to push the knife deep into his throat, I hear who's on the call.

"Yeah, can't wait!" Tara giggles.

I could sense my eyes twitching.  I feel like my heart has been enclosed in some sort of cling wrap, and it's beating impatiently, dying to be freed. And that cling wrap is Wes. If anything, this little inconvenience just made me even more excited to drive the knife down his neck.

But now, I have to wait.

So, as soon as he puts the phone down, i just know it's go time. A guaranteed grin appears on my face as I move past the counter in which he left the phone. Tara's still on the other line, talking about what she ate when she brings me up.

"Oo, that sounds yum." Wes smiles, washing some dishes.

"Mhm, Amber made it for me!" Tara giggles. "She's so sweet."

My heart could only warm, and it felt like the plastic was loosening. Not fast enough, though. It's still there, squeezing my heart like some foam ball. I'm not to be toyed with.

My grip on the knife tightens as I stab Wes in the shoulder. He groans, then turns to me.

"W-What the fuck." He screams, kicking my leg. I have to admit, it got me for a second, giving him time to run to the back door. And with one.. Two.. tries at the handle, it doesn't budge. I just chuckle, and he hears it.

"Looking for something?" I smirk as I dangle the keys in front of him.

He starts aggressively trying to bang down the door, and I can only stare in amusement.

"What a fucking pussy." I chuckle as I start taking the voice box off.

"Wait.." He pants. "..Amber..?"

I roll my eyes. "Well fucking duh!"

"Why.." he starts tearing up.

"Oh, for goodness sake. Why wouldn't I?" I scoff. "Especially with you all over Tara, now I know this needs to come to an end."

I can see his face light up. "Tara.. Tara!"

"What?" I question until I see him eye the phone.

"Tara! Amber's the ghost face!" He yells.

I take the mask off, and all that displays is a huge grin.

"Tara, call the cops! Please! It's Amber!! She's ghostface!" The pathetic boy squeals.

"Are you fucking dumb?" I snicker, dragging him to the kitchen.

I pick up the phone and wave it in front of him. "Say it again, you know what? Let me help you!" I take the phone to my lips. "Hey Tara, I'm ghostface!"

No reply.

"I don't understand.. what did you do to Tara!" Wes cries until he sees the mute button. "When did you mute it.. "

"When I walked past the table. I'm not that dumb." I give him a cruel smirk. He knows he's dead.

"Okay, well, I'll see you maybe Thursday? Amber's booked me for tomorrow, sorryy." I hear a giddy Tara come from the phone.

"Now, I'm not that cruel, so.. say goodbye to my girlfriend and hang up." I say, holding the phone in front of him, with my finger over the mute button.

"Girlfriend? Are you guys dating?" He whimpers, and I honestly almost jump back. This disgusting messy piece of shit.

"No, but we will be. As soon as you're out the way, I can comfort her. It's not like she'll care that much, though." I yawn. "So, I'm gonna unmute, and you say goodbye, okay?"

He gulps before nodding.

I 'unmute', and he starts to yell for help. All I can do is shake my head. The phone is facing me, so he can't see if it's muted or not. "Have you not learnt? It's muted dumbass."

"Hey, Wes, are you there?" Tara asks. "I'm starting to get worried."

"Okay, listen. I'll give your sorry ass a chance to tell Tara you're okay, because I don't want her worrying. But trust me, if you rat me out.. then I'll gut your mother just like I'm gonna gut you." I smile as I see his face drop.

"No.. no.. no, okay, I'll say I'm okay." He stutters, and I unmute the phone. "H-Hey, Tara. I'm fine, I just have to go now. Have a good night, i love you .. bye."

As he says that my eyes burnt. How dare he.

"Oh, phew. I thought something had happened. Goodnight Wes!" Tara replies happily.

She declined, and before he's prepared for it, I throw the knife into his chest, stabbing him over and over. "Trying to take Tara again now, huh? Guess I'll just have to show you what happens when you hurt Tara, then try to take advantage of her."

At this point, Wes has given up. He can't even talk, only choke on the crimson blood dripping from his mouth. My favourite colour. As he falls to the floor, the spiteful shade of red takes over.

"Eh, it looks better on Tara." I mumble, kicking Wes's corpse before making sure he's dead.

After that, I flea, making sure to take Wes's life with me.


Low-key forgot about this fic. 😭😭

1100 words

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