1 「I N J U R E D」6

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𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓, Catherine let out a small squeal of excitement as adrenaline began to pulse through her body now that she was back on the bike.

It had been too long since she felt the burst of energy she'd get whenever she'd get on the quad-bike back at the village, so being on the motorbike was definitely hitting her with nostalgia.

"Go faster!" She suddenly heard Bella shout from behind her, causing her to glance back at the girl, at least that was before the same burst of fear hit her.

Causing her to quickly look around them for something, anything, that could cause that much fear that her instincts would skyrocket even whilst she was riding a dangerous bike.

"Go faster, Cathy!" Bella yelled again patting her younger cousin's shoulder profusely, hearing her words Catherine sped up a little bit hoping Bella would stop.

But she didn't the girl just continued to tap at Catherine's shoulder, which at first she didn't mind choking it up to the girl just being excited to be on the bike.

"Faster he's almost here!" Bella yelled again her voice just beating passed the loud winds, the girl now just about shoving Catherine's shoulder.

"Bella stop, we can't g-" Catherine tried to yell back to her, but Bella just continued to shove her cousin's shoulder with an annoyed huff wanting her to speed up.

Edward was here, he was all around them, just a little bit faster and she knew he would show himself to her, tell her to stop, something she just wanted to hear his voice again.

"Go faster!" Bella shouted again shoving Catherine's shoulder as harshly as she could, almost immediately causing Catherine to lose control of the bike.

It had already started to wiggle from side to side from her earlier from her previous shakes, but the moment Bella shoved Catherine's shoulder and another burst of prey-induced fear rushed through her body.

"Shit!" Catherine cursed as the bike immediately shot towards the right, causing her to yank it left to try and steady it, only for it to throw her and Bella off of it.

"CATHERINE!" She heard Jacob's voice shout out for her as she flew from the top of the bike, her body catching more damage than Bella's.

The Swan girl had just been sent into a bush on the side of the road, while Catherine had been launched body first into something that could be called either a large rock or a small boulder.

Immediately as she hit, Catherine could practically feel the large bruise already start developing on her side, but that was before the momentum of her body had sent her off of the rock/boulder.

Somehow after that, she seemed to roll directly into another rock, the impact hitting her head first as she slammed it against the pavement.

"Catherine!" Jacob yelled again as he made his way towards her on the bike, the boy not even worried about Bella as his eyes stayed trained on Catherine's body.

Hearing his voice the girl almost immediately rolled back over onto her back, before trying to sit up only pausing as she was met with an intense amount of pain.

"Jacob." Catherine whined as she finally caught her breath as tears began to well in her eyes as sat up, her right arm becoming rigid as she held her side with her other hand.

"Hey, hey, hey," Jacob said quickly in a breathless panic as he moved in front of her, gently laying his hand on her shoulders as he looked her over for injuries. "don't move too fast, you could have a concussion."

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