a bloody nightmare

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(Woah no delay of 6 months. crazy)

Y/N's POV:

As I drift to sleep after talking with vanny, I fall unconscious with the feeling that someone is still watching me.

I lay there for a bit. Not sure how long but then I feel.. cold cement? Or.. just a cold surface. Doesn't matter.

I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a red tined area in an unknown for me place.

"Wha.. what is this place?" I ask myself as I slowly get up on my feet. I look down and I see that I'm in my security guard outfit.

"What the- why am I in my unifor-"

My question gets interrupted by a loud noise. Sort of like... a thud? And then a splat of some sort... I have to find out.

I look around the room and find a door which I approach and attempt to open. I fail.
"Ah god dammit..."
I kick the door a few times and on one of the kicks the door opens

"Oh... great! Haha.."
I slowly walk out of the room and look around and in the distance I see what looks like... a black splatter? I can't tell. Everything is tinted red... for some reason.

I look down and see stairs so down them so I can reach and observe the splatter.

I reach the end of the stairs and begin to walk to the splatter  whilst looking around me curiously. Nothing but wires and junk. When I get to the splatter I observe it a little. "Its.. splattered like blood..."

"Maybe because it is."
I hear a familiar voice behind me and I see vanessa in her rabbit costume covered in blood.

I freeze.

She looks at me.

"D-Did you do this?" I stutter.

She laughs.

A very childish laugh.

"No silly! You did!"
She said in a wheezing voice.

I look down and see my hands covered in blood and bruises.
"What do you mean?"

No response.



What's going on?

Did I do this?



Everything starts going black.

I'm waking up.

(347 words)

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