Part 2

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If you thought your last potions class was bad, get ready for defense against the dark arts. Not only was Sebastian across the aisle from you, but Professor Hecat had been summoned by the ministry for a business you could only presume was about Ranrok and his followers. The woman in place of your beloved professor wore frilly pink garments and had an awfully displeasing smile on her face.

"You may have heard your old professor has left for the remainder of the semester," The substitute turns around and waves her wand. Writing appears on the chalkboard and spells out 'Professor Kratt', "I'm very pleased to begin teaching defense against the dark arts, but first we must set some rules,"

You made eye contact with Amanda with a similar expression. This couldn't be good.

"Rule 1: No spells shall be cast,"

"Excuse me? Is this not defense against the dark arts?" A Ravenclaw speaks up from the back.

"Please refrain from speaking out of turn, students must always raise their hands for permission,"

The first rule appears on the chalkboard below her name. You were puzzled. How was one supposed to defend if no one was allowed to actually practice the magic?

"Rule 2: Always raise your hand before speaking. That should be a simple one," She smiles.

This woman seems insane .

"And rule 3: Talking is not permitted. Time will be spent reading ministry-approved textbooks, nothing else,"

Anger boiled up within you. What the hell was this? Professor Hecat would never approve of such a foul woman. Without thinking anything through, you raise your hand.


"This is defense against the dark arts, shouldn't we, you know, be learning how to defend against the dark arts?"

"There's no reason to learn such dangerous things,"

"I beg to differ-have you not seen the disasters from Ranrok and Rookwood?" You challenge, and Professor Kratt did not seem to like that.

"They pose no threat to Hogwarts. If you continue spreading such lies I'll have to give you after-class detention,"

"You're the one spreading lies! This textbook is bullshit, it has nothing related to dark arts and we will stand no chance out in the real world,"

Oh, she was pissed.

"You've earned yourself three days of detention, and one hundred points from Slytherin,"

No one seemed to care, in fact, they were silently urging you on. You failed to notice the impressed expression on Sebastian's face.

"Like I care. I think we can all agree that this curriculum is bonkers, and to be honest, I'd rather not have some stuck-up hag be my professor,"

"Oooh's" and cheers could be heard from your classmates. Did you go too far? Yeah, a little. Normally you'd never talk to a professor like that, but this woman was hardly a professor anyways.

"One week,"

You couldn't read books anyways, so how much would detention harm you? You were going to make this woman's life a living hell.

"Okay," You shrug.

She wasn't pleased that you didn't care.

Amanda calls your name when the class was dismissed.

"Are you insane? She's with the ministry! I think it's safe to say we all hate her already, but that was bad ,"

You shrug, "I'll be fine. Besides, it's better to have an excuse to hide from Sebastian,"

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