trouble sleeping

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Michael Jackson pov u still doing up sorry if I woke u up I can't sleep I have trouble sleeping  those sleeping pills doesn't do it  u Could take break  but I know u probably won't anyway I will I promise  so i take stuff to get me to go sleep always had that problem  I'll be fine   just be careful wit that alright  I tried to sleep but find myself getting up  daddy am hungry hey what h doing up here u can go sleep now okay love u   sorry if I woke u up  I I couldn't sleep I tried everything Mabey take a break would do  u some good hell do us both some good  if u ask me yeah it would I'll think about it every since the accident I had trouble sleeping  u doing way to much Michael u have to sleep u have do something about or get something that makes u go sleep good at night I don't mean anything I understand what u mean  I just Been thinking about everyone that's going on  stat still u moving to much Michael sorry I can't help it still have trouble sleeping huh poor baby  this getting outta hand baby it really is yeah I know  I'll mabey get some different sleeping pills or something  well it's getting on my nerves u know yeah  I know u going to run yourself into the ground  sit all this stuff on my mind it really alot yeah u not the only one.

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