Like A Dream

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Yoohyeon pulled JiU closer to her. "You're mine," she stated with a smirk. "I know." JiU replied and leaned in, almost closing the gap between them. Yoohyeon could feel JiU's slight warm breaths on her face, and she closed her eyes. She couldn't believe this was happening...

"Yoohyeon... Yoohyeon!" Yoohyeon heard, effectively pulling her out of her daydream. She blinked, noticing how hot her face was. "Finally! You know, you've been staring at Minji for 5 minutes now! Even a mole could see you have a crush on her..." SuA playfully punched Yoohyeon's arm. It seemed like Yoohyeon's dream really wasn't happening.

.  .  .  .  .

Yoohyeon's POV

I pouted, looking in SuA's direction. "Oh, and no one can see what goes on when you see Siyeon?" I retorted, mostly to distract myself from thinking of my biggest crush. SuA looked down.

"Yeah, I don't know...." she replied and smiled shyly.

We were in the cafeteria, but I wasn't eating, since I already knew the school food tasted bland. Meanwhile, SuA had a burger sitting in front of her, but she hadn't touched it. "When are you confessing, hmm?" SuA asked with a mischievous smile.

"Ah, shut up!" I yelled. She wouldn't have any reason to reciprocate my feelings anyway.....

I've known JiU for a very long time. She is insanely beautiful, and she definitely deserves the amount of attention and friends she has. She's confident, smart, pretty, kind, and has boys running after her. Meanwhile, SuA and I.... we're not exactly what you would call nerds, but we're definitely not popular. We're just kind of average, not low enough to get bullied, but not high enough to be bullies (or at least, on the same level as them). Why would JiU fall for someone like me when she could have one of the most handsome and popular guys in school?

I looked around the room aimlessly, until my eyes found JiU again. I smiled, seeing that she was happily conversing with her friends. Seeing her happy always made me happy.

SuA tapped my shoulder.  "I'm going, my lovesick friend." She announced, before taking her burger and putting it in a small plastic bag.

"First of all, lunch is not over yet and you're already leaving me to sit here alone, and second of all, you know you're not allowed to take food out of the cafeteria."

"Well, first of all, you're welcome to leave the cafeteria at any time, I'm not stopping you, but I'm guessing you'd like to stay in here and stare at Minji. And second of all, I don't care." SuA said with a smile. She left the cafeteria, leaving me on my own. I decided to look over to JiU's table, only to see her friend Handong staring back at me. I quickly looked away, embarrassed.

"Yoohyeon!" I heard and I immediately recognized the voice. It was JiU. I slowly turned my head to look at her, trying to keep my face from going red. "Come over here!" JiU yelled. Handong, who had been sitting next to her, scooted away, leaving a seat next to JiU. JiU patted that space and gestured towards that spot with her head.

I wanted to get up, but my legs weren't cooperating. Calm down, she's your friend! I mentally told my legs, but they still weren't working. Get up, walk to your childhood best friend. Shouldn't be that hard.

I slowly stood up and walked over to JiU, who was smiling at me. I sat down in between Handong and JiU. Handong smirked at me, then leaned across the table to whisper something to Gahyeon. Gahyeon looked at me, then nodded and smiled. I knew they were talking about me.

"I saw you sitting there alone. Where did your friend Bora go?" JiU asked.

"Oh, SuA- uh, I mean Bora, she went to... um, she left." I stuttered, utterly failing to keep my cool.

.  .  .  .  .


I quickly walked down the hallway, which was almost completely empty, since everyone was at lunch.

After a short while, I arrived at the library. My destination. I looked around, trying to find who I was looking for. Then, in the back of the room, I saw her, sitting on the ground, focused on a book. She would look up from the book every now and then to scribble something on a piece of paper, but she seemed really concentrated. Time to change that.

"Siyeon-ie~!" I yelled, garnering shushes from the librarian. I ignored them and ran over to Siyeon. She looked up from her book and smiled a little. Once I was in front of her, I dropped the burger. "Lunch," I said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"But SuA, I'm busy. Plus, there's a reason why I decided to study during lunch time.."

"What, is a girl not allowed to bring her insanely attractive girlfriend lunch?"

"Fine, I'll take it. Only because you're my girlfriend. And you complimented me." I smiled as I watched Siyeon unwrap her burger and take a bite of it. I could always persuade her to do something if I complimented her.

"Wait... what about you? You haven't eaten, have you? Here." Siyeon offered me the burger and I took a bite.

"The fact that you worry about me so much just shows how much you love me." I said after swallowing. I leaned in to kiss her cheek, but she turned her head, causing me to meet her lips.

"Out! This is a library, not a café for you to have some rendezvous!" The librarian yelled, interrupting our little make-out session. I slowly pulled away from Siyeon. "Get out, and leave the book here!" The librarian yelled at us again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving already," Siyeon said, then muttered, "You old hag." Only I heard it. She dropped the book on the ground, then took the burger and her paper and ushered me out of the library. "Class starts in 10 minutes," Siyeon announced. "By the way, where did you leave your friend.... uh, I think her name was... Yoohyeon?"

"Oh, she's still in the cafeteria, fawning over that girl Minji. I'm just a bit scared she might get friendzoned.... they were childhood best friends." I admitted.

"Do you think Minji likes her back?"

"Well, that's the thing... she seems to be oblivious to the fact that Yoohyeon likes her, and I can't tell if she feels like they're more than friends. Ugh, this whole thing is exhausting." I leaned onto Siyeon and she embraced me. "I have to protect her, Siyeon, she's my friend! I just don't want her to have her heart broken like that..."

"You know, you're cute when you're frustrated, shortie." Siyeon teased, causing me to pout. I leaned in for a kiss, but she pushed me away. "Not here. Class is about to start." Her tone was suddenly so cold. Siyeon had requested that the relationship stayed a secret until she knew how people would react to it, and I had respected her wishes. It was slowly getting tiresome....

Before I could talk to her about it, students flooded out of the doors of the cafeteria. She winked at me before saying, "Thank you, Kim Bora." Then she vanished in the sea of people trying to get to their classes.

.  .  .  .  .

Yoohyeon's POV

I eyed JiU's lips, imagining how nice it would be to get a taste of them, only to realize it would never happen. She's been your friend since childhood, idiot. If she liked you, she surely would've said something by now.

Yet I couldn't help but hope.....

"Yoohyeon? Hello?" JiU said, which I barely registered. I slowly nodded. "You've been staring in this direction for a while, are you ok?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm... fine." I lifted my eyes, looking into JiU's beautiful eyes. I couldn't tell if I was blushing, but I just wanted this moment to last forever... but all good things must come to an end. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. JiU stood up with her lunch tray.

"You know, we should do something together this weekend. It's been so long since we've done something together, just the two of us. Why don't you think about that?" She smiled at me, then put away her lunch tray and signaled for her friends to follow her out of the cafeteria. Handong got up and joined JiU, but not before whispering something in my ear.

"You are so whipped."

to be continued...

A Cute Obsession (JiYoo - Dreamcatcher) [on a bit of a hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now