Chapter5:The legacy

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At breakfast everyone seemed normal and acted as though they didn't know what was going to happen today. After breakfast he walked to Billy's house because he was getting a ride with Billy to the beach. On their way there Charles didn't say anything about his legacy he has to fulfil. They finally arrived at the beach after two hours of driving. They were the first ones there so Billy and Charles went to the bathroom to get dressed. When they got back to the car everyone was there. Tod’s mum asked Charles if he could show Tod the way to the bathroom so that he could get changed he replied “sure, i just need to grab something”, he went over to his bag and grabbed out the pocket knife so that he could use it on Tod. “Right, this is the bathroom” and he showed Tod the toilet cubicle. Charles took out the pocket knife and held it up high ready to stab Tod in the back, but he turned around and Charles hid the knife behind his back without acting suspicious. When Tod was done getting dressed they walked back to the beach talking about how they're going to build their sandcastles. They set up the towels on the sand and put up the umbrellas. They asked Charles’s mum if she could be the judge for their sandcastle competition and she agreed. When Charles's mum announced the winner, being Tod, I thought “Obviously Tod won because he's good at everything”. After the sandcastle competition they went back to the towels where they had lunch. “Thank you mum '' Charles said to his mum and she said “well, don't forget about your legacy you have to fulfil today”. Charles replied with “yes”, shakily. When they went to go play out in the water he grabbed the pocket knife with him and shoved it in his pocket ready to fulfil his legacy “hopefully i succeed” he thought. They played for hours in the water. They played marco polo, volleyball in the water, shoulder wars and much more. When Billy went out to go to the bathroom Carles said “hey, Tod let’s go out further so that we’re on our tippy toes” he said “sure” and they went out deeper. When they reached where we were meant to be, I put my hand over Tod’s mouth, shoved him under the water, grabbed out my pocket knife and stabbed him three times.

When he stopped moving he let go of Tod and swam back to the beach alone. Charles’s mum looked over her shoulder to see that her son had completed his legacy and that they had to get going. When Charles reached shore his mum pulled him by the arm and told him “we have to go now!” he replied with “yes”. While they were walking up to the car the rest of the group called out “hey ! Where are you going? It's not even sunset yet” his mum replied “sorry, we have to get going because charles isn't feeling very good, but it was a nice evening thank you for inviting us”. “No problem, and have a nice trip” said the group. On their way back home everyone went back to their normal conversations and pretended nothing was wrong. After a while of listening to the chatter around Charles, he fell asleep.

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