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Jeongguk dosent know how to feel the things happned earlier was too much for him he found tae and his baby he was beyond the clouds so happy but he wants to talk he really have to talk to taehyung about everything he wants to

So he was currently sitting in the couch waiting for taehyung to put eun so to sleep

" is this is real " taehyuhg whispered as he looked at eun so sleeping in his arms he was too nervous to go out there was jeongguk outside he dosent want to blaber anything but he can't ignore anymore right

Jeongguk straignted his posture as taehyung came and sat on the other couch it kinda makes jeongguk feel bad but that's okay he thought

" Tae---um " jeongguks voice came out in rasp as he felt his tongue sticked to the top for his mouth roof

" jeongguk--im really sorry first of all----I left you in a middle of the night i--im such a horrible person---im a coward jeongguk " taehyung said his voice cracking at the end

" did he hurt you " jeongguk asked making taehyung snap his head at jeongguk did he really don't have any anger on him

" why are you doing this to me jeongguk " taehyung asked his tears now drop as he sniffed

" hey---hey love I just asked you did he hurt you or did something " jeongguk asked his voice so soft

" don't do this jeongguk it's killing me--the guilt I'm holding why are you so soft aren't you angry on me for what I've done " taehyung asked his voice a little louder

" lo--" jeongguk was about to say something and taehyung stood up and walked to jeonggum as he pulled him by his collar

" don't be so soft and make me feel pathetic " taehyung said his voice raising jeongguk was just looking at taehyungs red face tear filled eyes his nose a bright red colour

" I'm just glad I found you--that's all matter taehyung you're right here infront of me that's all maters for me--"

"Yes yes of corse I was angry on you for leaving me for making me cry alone in my bed every night--trying to sleep but there is no warmth-----I felt suffocated I felt bad I felt nauseous I felt like dying " jeongguk said and taehyungs grip on his collar loosened as he looked at jeongguk with tear filled eyes

" then why kook why are you so soft now--if you would've yelled at Me my heart will have been a little good--but your soft voice makes me feel like someone is crushing my head." Taehyung said

Jeongguk let put a soft sigh as he pulled taehyung to the couch as he flopped down jeongguk turned tae to face him as he wiped out his Tears as he cuped taehyungs face

" I know why you came here I know who made you but I never know I could find you here---it's joon sung who made you come here---and I would like to know about that love------what's between you and joon sung why he threatened you-----that's all I want to know form you and beyond this im not angry on you " jeongguk said as he pressed a smile on his lips

" j-joon sung how do you know him----did you get m-"

" yes I got---I got your clues and I went to your appartment played evey single record to look for you and when I got the tape of the day you left----it was replaced " jeongguk said as he felt angry on that bastard

" you really don't know who joon sung is kook ? " taehyung asked as he looked at jeongguks confused face

" nope--not an idea that's why I killed him " jeongguk said and taehyungs eyes widen as he looked at jeongguks face

" y-you what ? " taehyung asked in disbelief

" I killed him love what's the matter " jeomgguk asked and taehyung dosent know what to say should he feel good or bad

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