Part 3

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"OK Claudia while we wait for Daniel to arrive, here are some pointers to keep in mind. You have to stay off that broken leg at all times and to look real you have to keep it elevated at first" Nurse Sindy said before helping me in the wheelchair, lifting my black cast on the leg rest. I still couldn't believe how real it looked.

My husband was in the waiting room, reading a newspaper when I was wheeled inside the room. I was sitting in the chair holding on to my new crutches smiling at Daniel. He frowned and I heard him say OMG quietly and took over pushing me towards his car.

"Thank you Sindy," I said with a little wave.

"Good luck and don't hesitate to call me if you need to talk," She replied walking back inside and for the first time I noticed a slight limp and stiffness in her ankle.

He helped me in the back seat of the Honda and put my crutches in the trunk. I slowly explained to him that the stiletto heel of my shoe broke while at the top of the stairs and fell down breaking my leg in 2 places. I could tell he was shocked. After that we were quiet for the rest of the ride home.

We got to our Greystone ,where we rented the second floor, at about 1:30am. With his help I managed to first slide out my long cast and stand on my right leg, leaning against the car, the cast about 6 inches off the pavement. He got my crutches from the trunk and I positioned them under my arms, Sindy had adjusted them for my height. I carefully hobbled up the steps, and into our apartment. Daniel stayed behind to look at my ass and long black cast or because of his concern that I could fall backward on my crutches... Knowing Daniel well, I vote for the second option.

I walked into the bedroom, lay my crutches against the wall and struggled up on our bed. "I'm so sorry Claudia, are you in pain you want pills?"

"I'm ok, not right now, damn I should have stayed home!" I lied knowing that this was just day 1...

Daniel being my great husband was so caring, telling me that it wasn't my fault while he examined my cast, black and I would guess perfect.

"Claudia, I hope they didn't think I pushed you down some stairs" I felt so bad that my husband worried about that, Daniel was a lot of things but not a wife abuser.

I layed on my side in bed and felt him spooning me, his erection growing against my small ass with his hand on my hard cast. He was about to back away, probably afraid to hurt my broken leg when I whispered...

"You can do this, release the tension, my love."

I slid my hands behind me and released his penis, he rubbed it against my ass until he quietly came all over before falling asleep minutes later.

Here I was in the dark, crutches beside the bed, did I make a mistake? I mean I love Daniel...I was restless all night, trying to turn but not that easy in my cast, I couldn't get comfortable.

"Tomorrow is going to be better..."

When I woke up Daniel was already gone to work, the reality of my secret challenge hit me in the face, laying on my back stretched out all over the bed. My long black cast was hanging over the side of our bed, so with both hands I moved it back on the bed. I leaned over and grabbed my cell phone and called Daniel.

"Daniel speaking"

"Eh baby I knew you would worry so no need all is good and I had a good restful night" I lied to my husband again.

"Good, how's the broken leg?"

"Not too bad, better than yesterday"

"Opps I have another call, see you after work, love you" He said before hanging on.

I had been warned that Mr Smith had spies that were monitoring me so I needed to follow the rules. I recalled Nurse Sindy telling me to keep my broken leg elevated and stay off the cast if I wanted to convince others. Looking at the angle of my black cast at the knee, there was no way I was going to be able to stand on that cast and walk anyway.

I reached for my crutches and placed them under my arms. "One step at a time..." I told myself.

Once installed in the living room I called work and explained the situation that I was going to be back at work next week. I tried hard to concentrate on my laptop but I wondered what would happen if I violated the rules of the challenge?

What would he do to me?

My poor husband would worry about my broken leg, how will he react when he learns the truth? I'm sure the $500,000 would help.

Glasses on, hair in a bun, leg cast on pillows, I was writing a note on my laptop when I saw my reflection in a mirror...It looked so real, I look so real, kinda sexy looking in shorts, t-shirt, cast and my crutches beside me.

I put my laptop and phone in my backpack, grabbed my crutches, struggled up on my right leg and made my way to the sunroom, sitting on the stool by the window.

I was reading one of my favourite stories on Wattpad when Daniel came back from work and found me cast elevated, legs spread giving him a bit too much of a view. I pretended not to realise he was back, so he approached the sunroom, spotted me. When I looked up, I swear at first Daniel was staring at my exposed toes at the end of my cast and then his vision moved up my long cast. I put down my laptop and very slowly wiggle the toes of my broken leg.

He smiled, blushed and was it really hard just by just looking at my black cast? New fetish my dear Daniel I wondered in my mind while smiling at him. He bent over me and kissed me and confirmed that his penis was fully erected in his pants just like if I spent minutes licking and stroking it.

Maybe this challenge was going to be fun...

Part 4 to come.

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