CHAPER 14 PT.2 Dangerous Plant

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We were in the jungle walking to where Princess cookie planed to have the picnic as we went deeper Blueberry spoke

Blueberry:Are we there yet

Princess:Were nearly there it's just around that tree

Walking around a tree we made it to a water fall with flower growing

Princess:And Here we are my favorite spot

Blueberry:Wow it's beautiful

Darrin:I'm agreeing with blueberry it beautiful

Bumbleberry:Marvelous it simply looks marvelous

The rest of us just stood in stunned silence takings in the beauty of the sensory

\Amy POV/

I looked at princess who was flustered by the comments the others made and I decided to break the silence

Amy:Ahem let's step up the picnic

Princess:Right here let me help

Turning from princess to Y/N and Darrin I yelled to them

Amy:No You don't highness HEY Y/N Darrin care to help


Amy:Let's set up the picnic

Y/N:On it

Amy:Where do you want it set up

Princess:Oh over right over there

She then pointed to a spot near the waterfall

Amy:Got it

\Princess POV/

I moved to the others as the humans step up the picnic Blueberry then spoke

Blueberry:So you like her don't you


Cranberry:I don't see what's so special she is crude and ignorant

Raspberry:Now let's not be rude Cranberry

As a silence came over us it broke when "Rosehip" spoke

Amy:Hey we're done


Heading to the blanket and humans we began to eat

\Raspberry POV/

I felt myself feel warm up sitting next to Darrin as we continued eating a load screech was heard knowing the cookie snaps are here

Y/N:What was that?

As soon as they said that it came out of the shrubs and bushes cookiesnap

Y/N:A Cookiesnap

Amy:We'll can take care of them right guys



Each one readied thier weapon with the fight beginning



Darrin:Názhe zhège

Each of the humans then used their skill but did nothing to the cookiesnap all it was making it enraged screeching for other cookiesnaps to arrive

Darrin:That doesn't seem good


It then grabbed Y/N by the leg threatening to eat them as some smaller cookiesnaps came out of hiding

Amy:Oh no Darrin deal with small ones I'm gonna try to get this thing to let go of Y/N

Darrin:On it

The humans continued to attack the cookiesnap as I dealt with the smaller ones who came close to us as the fight continue the humans began to tire out good it wasn't a hassle for me but it seems the humans were having trouble as the cookiesnap holding Y/N was hit by "Rosehips" bombs causing the cookiesnap to throw Y/N as a reaction to it's pain at Darrin


Darrin:Huh! ACK!


As she ran up to her friends the large cookiesnap grabbed her by the chest


As she struggled I began to attack the large cookiesnap then Wildberry and knight came out of the jungle just as "Rosehip" was slammed into the ground

Raspberry:I'm glad you came

Wildberry:It is no problem Hollyberry sent me to get you four and the humans

Knight:Princess are you ok

Princess:I am but thank you knight

Bumbleberry:Um the cookiesnap is about to eat them

Turning around Wildberry then struck the large cookiesnap with his skill as it screeched turning to us it was more enraged than ever

Raspberry:Get the them out of here

Pointing to the humans

Bumbleberry:Right come on

\Princess POV/

Grabbing the humans we dragged them through the bushes and to safety as we heard the cookiesnap scream before Wildberry and the others defeated it

Wildberry:It's done are they ok

He said pointing at the humans

Blueberry:Their out cold

Cranberry:Lets get them back to the manor

Princess:Agreed let's bring them back to the manor so they can get back to (Your kingdoms name here)

SWEET as SYRUP (A cookierun yandere story)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now