THE LEGEND OF THE HUMAN KINGAccording to the ancient stories and the many legends told by the many witnesses allegedly this event happened and this was a true story..........and this story happened a long long time ago way before some apocalyptic flood drowned the world with the Giants and the mortal men from the mankind .
This legend started with the tale of some mysterious old wise man, who according to the many legends told about him he was ascended to the very skies, the very same day a Blood Moon or a Red Eclipse happened.
And this alleged ascension happened right in front of everyone who had any life during those days including the Giants and the mortal men from the Mankind who witnessed that day and they never stopped talking about it for many centuries before and after the alleged flood.
This ladies and gentlemen is the Greatest Story Ever Told.
That ascension allegedly was preformed by some unknown entity who was totally unknown during those days, but the day when that entity made itself known and fully introduced itself for the first time was allegedly the same day when the whole world saw a Blood Moon in the sky and heard the voice of that entity echoing the entire sphere for the very first time.......and for the very last.
And all living things allegedly heard that voice against their very own wills because that voice echoed the entire globe during the length of that Blood Moon, and that introduction was the judgment day to all of the Giants and to all of the mortal men from the mankind, and allegedly was a warning given the day, the same day the mysterious old man was allegedly ascended to the skies becoming the Blood Moon.
The old man became famous and for many centuries before the flood many tales and many stories was told about him some allegedly true and some allegedly false, but nonetheless that legend claimed that old man was ascended and allegedly became a holy.
All because when he was ascended by that very unknown entity who introduced itself with that Blood Moon making judgment day for all of the Watchers, The Giants and the Mankind and for all the living things.And legend goes as the judgement done by that unknown entity happened right in front of everyone with life during those days right up in the skies for everyone to witnessed it and for that day on whoever or whatever that unknown entity was became a Deity.
That unknown entity allegedly introduced itself as the Original Host of the Humankind.
Because according to the legend that unknown entity introduced itself that day as the Original Image and Likeness of the Humankind.
According on how the legend goes that old man was the last human being alive after the Watchers betrayed and exterminated the entire humankind centuries before that Blood Moon happened, as in the beginning when the humankind was replaced with the mortal men from the mankind with the help of the Watchers themselves.
That old man somehow survived the purge when those Watchers rebelled against the humankind.
The Watchers themselves allegedly betrayed the Humankind by making Eternal Kings from out of the human females while this unknown entity was allegedly absent for centuries leaving those Watchers to care for the Humankind while the entity was gone, but that entity for some unknown reason never came back.
Allegedly the old man escaped the Watchers since he was a little boy, and he grew up to be always alone and always in hiding between all the bottoms of the undergrounds of the entire soil.
And he always depended only on himself for everything and everything and he was always wondering without a home from one place to another always in hiding from the Watchers deep down in the ground, via caves and dark tunnels as he was always into hiding.