Deku?! 🥦

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"I thought we were friends...."


Bakugou's Pov:


 I started to sweat as my heart was racing from that nightmare. The more I think about Deku, the more I regret what I did to him. I started to get ready for shitty school, then I suddenly remembered that I had a field trip that collaborated with another junior high school. Maybe I can use this time to find Deku. I stop fucking around and get back to getting ready for fucking school.

Deku's Pov:

 I left my apartment and locked it, as I was walking to school, Nakamura-chan, Sato-chan, Kota-kun, and Kizano-kun approached me. 

"Hey Midoriya-Kun, wanna hang out with us?" Kota-kun said.

"Really?!" I said with shock.

"Yas, Midoriya-kun!" Nakamura-chan added.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, me having friends. I love my new life here! :)

"Sure, I'll hang out with you" I reply back.

"Ok, then walk with us."  Kizano-kun said.

I started to walk with the group. As I was walking to school with the group, we stopped to see some buses outside of the building. I realized that we have a field trip but luckily I came prepared. The principal of our school announced our bus numbers, and told us where we were going. After our bus numbers were announced, I got partnered with Kota-kun while my other friends got partnered with other people from other classes. We both got on the bus and sat in the front.  Me and Kota-kun started to play patty cake in bus.


The bus finally stopped after 45 minutes. We both got off the bus just to see Ryuto and Taro. This is bad but at least Kacchan isn't here, so that's a relief. I hear my phone vibrate and took my phone out of my bag and looked at my notification. I went to messenger and seen a text, at first I didn't know who sent me a text. When I looked at that text, I realized that text was from Kacchan! I start to panic, Kota-kun noticed my panicking and asked if I was okay. I replied with a "I'm fine, no need to worry" like always. Mr.Aishi called us to meet into a group, we start to form into a group. Mr. Aishi explains the purpose of the field trip, I hear some of my classmates whine.  

 I see Kacchan talking with Taro and Ryuto, and I start panicking again. This was bad, if Kacchan and the others see me then they're going to start bullying me again.

"Are you ok, Midoriya?" I hear Kizano-kun say.

"Ah! Yes I'm fine. Kizano-kun" I replied back.

*Sigh* I need to stop panicking in front of my friends or they'll think something is wrong. Okay! No more panicking! Everything will be fine, as long as Kacchan and the others don't notice me. I'll be fine... I started to talk to Kizano-kun about how boring this field trip will be. As me and Kizano-kun were talking, I felt someone watching me. I slowly turned my head and saw Kacchan staring at me?!

Bakugou's Pov: That extra looks like Deku....Wait a minute...That green hair, green eyes, yellow backpack. Could it be..No I must be overthinking that extra can't be Deku. I hear some other extra say "Midoriya-kun!",

 I turn around just to see......



A/N-Sorry if I was gone for a while. I was busy because of school. T_T

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