i. found

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River is such a converse kid (she's wearing black converse as of now)

I also imagine her backpack as the one like Ellie's from tlou lol

Also I can't wait to write more of Michonne and River's dynamic

RIVER MILLIS HAD BEEN ON HER OWN ever since their last group had all been raided and killed. River was scared, cold, and starving, and she was searching for her dad, who got separated from her.

Oh, how she wanted her dad; she missed her uncle. All she had of her dad was his thick jacket, which she had been wearing ever since they had been separated. She was convinced that her dad and uncle were alive, and she had spent the last, who knows how many days looking for them.

She walked down the long and hot road, clinging onto her knife in her belt just in case something were to surprise and strike her.

She remembers her uncle telling her, "Make sure to always have a grip on your weapon," and that's what she always did. Her uncle Santi was in the military, which came in convenient for the apocalypse.

But River wasn't in the military; she was just a girl, alone. She pulled her backpack up on her shoulder as she walked.

River paused at the sound of grunting, like distressed squealing, screaming almost. River's first thought was to break out into a run because this wasn't any of her business but then she thought.

What if this person knew where her father was?

That was a stupid thought, but she was desperate that this point, also sorta lonely.

She ran to the source, her heart was pounding but guess what?

River Millis was one brave kid.

She stopped abruptly and so did the sounds. She was in more of a woods area, but close to the road, and not far in front of her was a woman.

She was surrounded by a group of walkers who were now all dead on the ground.

River could hear her breath very clearly now, it was ragged.

"Hey." The woman said quietly, her machete clutched in her hand.

River Millis took one look at the woman, her instincts kicking in. The sight of the bloodied machete, the dead walkers scattered around, and the sheer intensity in the woman's eyes sent a jolt of fear through her. She didn't care that the woman might have just fought off the walkers. All she knew was that she needed to get away, fast.

Without a second thought, River turned and bolted. Her boots hit the ground hard as she sprinted back toward the road. The trees blurred past her, the sound of her own rapid breathing filling her ears. She didn't look back, didn't care to see if the woman was chasing her.

But the pounding footsteps behind her told her that she was.

"Wait!" the woman's voice called out, but River didn't listen. She pushed herself harder, her lungs burning, her legs aching, but she didn't slow down. She had to get away. She had to find her dad and uncle, and she couldn't afford to be slowed down by a stranger.

She zigzagged through the trees, trying to throw the woman off her trail, but the footsteps only grew closer. River could feel her heart pounding in her chest, fear gnawing at her insides.

Suddenly, a voice came from right behind her. "Stop, or I'll shoot!"

River froze, her heart nearly stopping. She slowly turned around, her eyes wide with panic, only to see the woman pointing a gun straight at her. River's hand instinctively went to her belt, but her heart sank when she realized her gun was gone.

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