--- "Koeun do you wanna go to a cafe with me?" She asked the ponytail girl besides her as she paused eating her meals.
"What?" She asked
"I said do you wanna go to a cafe with me later this noon?"
Koeun thought for a moment as she nodded her head and this made Yeri clapped her hands in excitement. "Okay I'll give you the address then we will go together"
As they both walked out the cafeteria together and went to their respective class untill the school bell rang.
It was already 2.00 P.M , at the same time she was getting ready to meet Yeri at the cafe when her phone ding indicating a message came in.
Don't forget we are waiting at the Angel Cafe near Gangnam , you can take the bus though and you just text me when you arrived okay? - Yeri.
With one last look at the mirror , she leave the dorm before locking it and head to the bus stop which only need a 10 minute walks from the dorm.
Not long after the bus had arrived as she paid and took a seat near the window while she makes sure to open her GPS of where The Angel Cafe is.
The ride to her destination was a bit quiet but as she glance to the window , it's mostly a busy street. Students , men ,women and even children are walking on pedestrian who are heading to their destination. Speaking of destination , Koeun looked at her phone to see she is almost near Gangnam and the bus had just make a stop on bus stop as she walked out while walking ahead to find the cafe.
Yeri , also is on her way to the cafe , but it didn't took long as the cafe was just a few block ahead of her as she quickened her pace to it.
Koeun is still following the GPS on her phone while making sure she didn't bumped anyone or something , she turn left when a voice called her name.
She whipped her head to see Yeri smiling brightly and a wave as she walked towards her. "Is this the place?" She asked as Yeri nodded and linked her arms with her as they entered the cafe.
The cafe was heard with a ding , meaning a customer has arrived.
A sweet voiced welcomed them at the cafe as she had her back turn from them why they arrived at the counter , she turned around to be amused it was the same customer who always come to this cafe.
"Victoria Unnie" Yeri spoke up smiling at her as she nodded "I would like to have the usual please" then glanced the girl besides her. "What would you like to have Koeun?"
The girl look at the menu that was on the counter before she tells her order.
"A matcha drink would be nice"
"Okay and why don't you girls take a seat while we made your drinks"
No need to be asked , Yeri had already tugged Koeun with her to sit. For Koeun she was impressed by the cafe , no wonder it said The Angel Cafe there's actually a Sakura tree at the corner of the room that the branches reaches to the ceiling. The whole cafe is coloured in white and light pastel colors same with the seat's.
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Yeri , didn't say much as she was still amused by her friend amazement towards the cafe. And she was right , this cafe does bring an ambience to everyone.
For him , he had decide to stay at the library. Reasons? Well just to past the time , I mean even if he went back to the dorm it was still only and he had nothing to do even if he has homework.
The time has shown it's already 3.00 PM , he zipped his backpack and sling both on his shoulder while putting the book he read back on the shelf and make his way to the bus stop.
Plugging his earphone to his ears , the bus had arrived while he sat at the furthest besides the window. Letting himself get more privacy.
As the bus took a turn right , somewhat his gaze are fixed towards the cafe 'The Angel Cafe'.
"Will I get to meet them and maybe we will found a cafe that is perfect for us?" He wondered as he shut his eyes for a quick nap
"I really want to meet them and make memories with everyone inside the dorm. Including him".