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poison is deadly, like love.

love kills, or it revives.

love runs through every part of your body, but with the wrong person, it's like poison. killing you.

all of you.

some believe love is hope, others believe it's strength.

they're wrong.

love is poison.


poison! a story in which aria and diego's love is poison, deadly.

aria thought she was ready for a relationship. but she shouldn't be trusted.

now diego never wants to love again.

because she will steal your heart.

she will take care of it.

love it.

until your addicted.

then crushes it.


love could be labeled poison.

and we'd drink it anyways.



im like a certified poet. because how tf did i come up with this..

update:inspo for this book was from drunk replies and chiki hotline by vbaekz 😛

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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