seven ; the post-script

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"In the blink of an eye, the dark faded out.
Blooming under the sunlight,
memories with me and you."
my you

!! what to expect : sappy fluff galore, smidgen of nsfw (handjob + one scene of implied lovemaking), some chaos (lame humour ahead rip), fast paced time-skips? if that's a thing, mentions of bodily and emotional insecurities, an implication of stage fright (very self indulgent lol), it does get angsty at one point since crying is involved, more easily hurt-comfort if that makes sense, a decade later and jeon jungkook is still very much in love with jeon lalisa what about it, a new character is introduced! :))

ps: 1) this was meant to be just a drabble at first so the word count might be laughable to look at LOL
2) there was still MORE stuff to write but I didn't want to stretch it and bore y'all out >:D

!! word count : 11k 🫠



It's getting late.

Or maybe it's early.

If Lisa was being utterly honest at this moment, she feared to look up at the clock hung up on the wall. She didn't need to check the time to know she hadn't slept at all, for days at a stretch.

For starters, Lisa has never been a morning person — since her days at the university to working at a corporate firm, Jungkook's calls have worked as her usual reminders to begin the day. Since the last couple of months, however, precisely the period around which she opted to work from home, things have been fairly different.

Somewhat less productive yet still exhausting as she likes to put it in words, when she forces herself out of the bed at the sound of the 6 am alarm that she had snoozed for God-knows-how-long to give up on sleep and see if she could do something productive with her life. It turns out the trip to the bathroom and some morning coffee worked best to get her life going for the day; before she made the mistake of adding a dose of more than intended coffee powder which left a bitter aftertaste in her tongue.

Way to start her day.

She was barely done pulling off clothes from the dryer before another loud alarm went off and she had to run back to the room to switch it off. Lisa had never relied on alarms so religiously in her whole life, detesting the idea of working herself like a robot of sorts, but alarms did serve one important purpose to discipline herself. She was motivating herself to improve on that point just so that she could stop having to rely on some damn annoying oldschool clock decibels blaring into her ears and ruining her mornings.

Quickly, she made it into the cot in the nursery to check up on her baby-boo, scooping the wide awake little being in her arms. "Time for brekkie, Bambi!"

Despite Lisa's efforts to get her three-month daughter to breastfeed the first meal of the day, Nari was increasingly distracted. This episode had continued since last week; and if she were being very frank, it was getting a tad bit frustrating, especially when Jungkook was not around. She switched from position to position, trying to comfort her daughter in every way possible until the two of them mutually settled on feeding in the living room.

By the time Jungkook returned from his workout session, he found his wife slow dancing with Nari cradled in her arms as she rocked their daughter's back to gently comfort her. After having untied his running shoes and shoving his gym bag to the side, he walked through the foyer to peck Lisa's forehead following their daughter's.

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