The fight and rescue mission.

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Keith: Sven has a great plan now let's execute it.

Keith: Sven has a great plan now let's execute it

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(Picture of the chimera.)

Y/n wade: Fine I guess I could try to go ssj2 again but I don't think I can.

Lance McClain: Then think about me again.

Hunk: I agree with the hothead think about him.

Y/n wade: Alright pidge take the reins and don't let green get hurt too much.

Pidge: You got this man.

Keith: Get ready for the punch.

Y/n wade: (Ssj2) I think it's now or never.

Pidge: I'm pulling back.

Sven: I take it back this is a shitty plan.

Pidge: Too late for second thoughts about your plan.

Y/n already flying through the air and about to punch the the chimera robeast with a lion fist: I hate you right now Sven.

Hunk: I hope this works.

The chimera robeast estimated that punch and lifted its lion head upward to eat you which it was successful in that regard but it was about to have one massive stomach ache.

(Y/n wade's mind)
Keith: Why were you picked as the backup pilot for the green lion.
Hunk: No you always mess something up we would be better off without you.
Sven: You are no hero.
Pidge: You will never be seen as an equal to anyone on this team.
Lance: I don't think I could still be friends with you anymore.

Y/n wade: Enough.
Day of fate spirit vs spirit intensified.
Y/n wade: I have had enough with these damn robeast and I have had enough with lotor.

Lance McClain: Y/n no.

Hunk: Lance you might not have to be worried about y/n.

Sven: He has gone past Super saiyan 2.

Keith: He did it.

Pidge: He must be unfathomably pissed off.

Lance McClain: You might just be right about that one pidge and suggest that we get as far away from this fight as possible like outer space far.

Keith: Wait why.

Lance McClain: If I know my friend and I do something I quite known for but that's beside the point.

Hunk: Just tell us what's going to happen.

Lance McClain: Because our teammate has a very nasty temper and he doesn't have a good grip on it at the moment and if I am correct about what was going through his mind then he'll probably try to rip us all to shreds if he can get his hands on us so it's either leave the planet or get torn to shreds by the green lion pilot.

Lance McClain x Male Sayian readerWhere stories live. Discover now