Ch-1 ~ The News

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'Austin Austin Austin Austin' screamed Ally as she ran into their music room like a freaking maniac.

'WHERE? WHERE'S THE SPIDER' shrieked Austin, jumping on the sofa and grabbing an instrument that was nearby.


'WHAT!? That's Amazing!!' said Austin, going up and hugging Ally.

'Um, you can keep the guitar down there's no spider' said Ally.

'Hehe sorry' said Austin, keeping the guitar down and hugging Ally back.

'We have been working SO hard for this' said Ally.

It was true. Ever since their 'eventful' appearance on The Hellen Show 6 months ago, they had to work so hard making songs, marketing, finding a manager, make music videos and so much more. They released their first album within 2 months names 'Infinity' and already won 2 awards at the Grammy's. Now, with their new manager, Alexus (also Ally's cousin) getting them a WORLD tour, things were really starting to look up.

'I know Ally and we deserve it, every single bit of it' said Austin, kissing Ally's cheek.

'Alexus said we are leaving next month, so whatever important things we have to finish up, now is the right time' said Ally.

'WAIT, The AMA's are in a week, it will be perfect publicity and we can reveal it in a red carpet interview!!' said Austin

'Yess Let me go tell Alexus about this' said Ally, leaving the room and already scrolling through her contacts, looking for Alexus's name.

Austin sighed happily in his chair and started working on his new song. He had not told Ally about it yet, but he wanted it to be a surprise. He was so happy that he and Ally were going on tour. It has always been like an adventure to him and sharing the stage with Ally is a dream come true for him. 

'with you between my arms...' sang Austin, while strumming a few notes on his guitar.

'Austin, Alexus is calling us to the studio for a meeting' said Ally, grinning hugely.

"Aww man, i wanted some alone time with you' said Austin.

'Later Austin.. I want to see how many outfits i get to wear on stage' said Ally, smiling and jumping like a little girl, kissing Austin on the cheek.

'Fine, but the meeting should only be an hour ok?' said Austin.


'Austin and Ally, thank you for joining me in this meeting' said Alexus.

They were at the studio, 15 mins away from their house. Yes, because of job stuff Austin and Ally had moved in together, don't freak out.

'Alexus loosen down, don't be so formal!' said Austin jokingly.

'Sorry, this is just so huge that i don't want to mess this up for you' said Alexus.

'Don't worry Alex, you're doing so great' said Ally. 'Anyways, how many costumes do i get to wear? Who is in-charge of makeup and hair, i wanna say hi to them and tell them my preferences' said Ally already getting up from the sofa.

'Chill cousin, that's for last' said Alexus

Ally pouted and sat next to Austin, earning a laugh and hug from Austin.

'Anyways, we are leaving on April 14th and will be back by July 16th, The countries you will be performing in are USA, France, Netherlands, Italy, Australia and Peru. The first show is in Miami and the last one is in Paris' said Alexus.

'Amazing! Can i go talk to the hair and makeup queens now' Ally whines.

Alexus and Austin chuckled and let her go.

'Hey, Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it.' said Austin.

'Don't even mention it. I am so excited to see my little cousins reaction to it. She is going to flip' said Alexus.

'To be honest, so am i flipping right now' said Austin.

'Don't worry, it's going to be perfect.' said Alexus.

He left the room, leaving Austin to his own thoughts and well..... plans ;)

AND THAT'S IT!! thank you for choosing this story and i hope i don't dissapoint you. This story will have around 10-15 chaps and i will try to update asap.

Love u and take care


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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