Michiru/Shinobu (Michirobu, Shinochiru)

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Prompt: Spring/rebirth/"It's nice to see you again."

"Oh, Shinooobuuu!" A high-pitched, nasally voice cut through the warm spring air like a knife and Shinobu scowled.

Oh, great, it's...

"The Great Michiru Kaibara! First Year Yoba Academy Student Extraordinaire, and DJ to the rising unit, Unichord!"

Shinobu was trying to enjoy a peaceful lunch alone outside in the warm spring weather (which meant ignoring her food in favor of trying to level up in her latest favorite video game), but in the way-too-many-seconds it took Michiru to give her dramatic, self-absorbed introduction, she distracted Shinobu and caused Shinobu to lose the level.

"YOU DIED!" The screen shined mockingly up at her and Shinobu grit her teeth even tighter.

"What do you want, Michiru?" she deadpanned, finally looking up from her phone.

"Aww, c'mon, really?" Michiru pouted, eyes turning genuinely sad. "Not even a "It's nice to see you again!"?"

But it's not. Shinobu said nothing.

"Aww, well, you're just the same as I remember!" she sniffed, raising her nose in the air.

"I could say the same about you." Shinobu quirked an eyebrow and looked the other girl up and down. She was acting as if she'd experienced some huge rebirth like a phoenix rising from ashes, but as far as Shinobu was concerned, she was still the same annoying little kid that she ever was.

You're only a year older now than you were before. We all are. It's not like you went on some big journey and discovered the secrets of the universe.

"No, I'm not!" Michiru pouted, puffing out her chest and resting her hands on her hips.

If you're not, then why was I able to predict that this was exactly how you'd react if I said you seemed just the same as you ever were?

"I have gone through... a rebirth!" she cried.

Ope, even predicted that as well.

"The old Michiru Kaibara that you once knew is no more! As I said before, I am now an official, fully fledged student of Yoba, as well as a DJ! Just like you!" For a second, a flash of her old childishness returned, and she grinned from ear to ear, dancing back and forth excitedly.

And let me guess... You want to challenge me to another DJ—

"So now I, the Reborn Michiru Kaibara, will challenge you to a DJ battle!" she cried, pointing dramatically at Shinobu. Shinobu only raised an eyebrow again. For a moment, she thought about Kyoko. She knew Kyoko was Michiru's voice teacher. How did Kyoko put up with her? She was far more patient a teacher than Shinobu would've been.

"No thanks."


"You're still not up to my level," Shinobu smirked.

"Aww, but, but, but, I- I- I- I tried so hard to improve all of my musical skills this year!" Michiru pouted, eyes again turning genuinely sad. "That was why I waited until this spring semester to challenge you to another DJ duel! I wanted to brush up first!"

Shoulda brushed up a little—(no, a lot)—longer.

"I thought being an official DJ in an official DJ unit would finally be enough to make you proud of me!" Michiru clenched one of her hands in to a despairing fist in front of her chin, gritting her teeth and looking away as she closed her eyes.

"Proud?" Shinobu interrupted, more surprised by Michiru's response than she thought.

"W-well, yeah, I just wanted you to think I was cool, and all, ya know?" Michiru touched the tips of her pointer fingers together, blushing and looking away. "Wasn't it obvious? That was why I started asking you for DJ duels in the first place!" I wanted senpai to notice me...

That was even part of the reason Michiru took lessons from Kyoko. Not only was Kyoko incredibly talented with music, but Michiru knew how close she was to Shinobu. If Michiru could learn from someone like that, then perhaps some of Kyoko's talent would rub off on her and she would finally be worthy to stand beside and against the legendary DJ Kunoichi!

At the same time, Shinobu was thinking about Michiru and Kyoko too again. Maybe that explained it. Explained why Michiru chose Kyoko, of all singers, to be her teacher. And explained how and why the two were able to tolerate one another as long as they did. Despite herself, a tiny smile tugged at the corners of Shinobu's lips as she thought about Kyoko.

She would never forget how strangely determined the other girl was to perform with her as a bandmate. Never had Shinobu ever met more persistent a fan. But then Kyoko became so much more than that. Shinobu would water it down and brush it off and say that they were rivals, but it was far more complicated than that.

Maybe that was even why Shinobu felt some reserve about accepting Michiru's challenges. Kyoko was the only one allowed to do that. But looking at Michiru now, even though it felt like looking at a funhouse mirror, she could see reflections of Kyoko in Michiru.

And, I suppose, I must give her SOME credit. She IS a DJ in a DJ unit, after all, no matter how novice and new that they are.

"Tell you what?" Shinobu finally said. "Depending on how I'm feeling after your first real D4Fes with an official unit, I might consider—"

"NO CAP?!" Michiru literally jumped up in excitement, self-flagellating expression instantly switching into pure bliss and excitement and pride. "Don't worry, DJ Kunoichi, my senpai, I promise I won't let you down! I promise I'll impress you! Then someday, we shall have our epic battle and it will be GLORIOUS! It will be LEGENDARY!"

Michiru cheered, and for a second time, despite herself, Shinobu could only shake her head and smirk. Was this what it felt like to inspire the younger generations? I can't say it's something I'm dying to experience on a regular basis, but...

Somehow, Michiru managed to give Shinobu something to think about. She'd never done that before. And that was part of the reason Shinobu was willing to reconsider things. Maybe "rebirth" was still too melodramatic of a term, but if Michiru was changing, growing, then Shinobu could match up. After all, hadn't Kyoko and the rest of Peaky already encouraged some growth out of her? Granted, Michiru still had to survive spring semester, and the summer, and then they would get to D4Fes, but they both knew that time would fly fast.

Michiru left Shinobu grinning from ear to ear again, but right before she was out of sight, Shinobu called out to her again. "Michiru!"

"Hmm?" Michiru paused and looked over her shoulder, eyes wide, ready to absorb anything and everything Shinobu said to her.

"It's... nice to see you again..." And that was it. Shinobu had just made Michiru's entire year!

Spring, Michiru decided, was her new favorite season. It was a time for rebirth, and Michiru was fully prepared to launch into her new role as the official DJ of the official unit Unichord!

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