—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Hongjoong was known for being the "weird kid" in his class but that all changed when the new kid joined..
"Ugh why does that weirdo have to go in our class" "i know right, hes worthless anyways pfft" "pffft but like for real why dosen't he just end his life pffft"
Hongjoong was used to hear this stuff so it really didnt bother him,
he stared out the window, looking down at all the students running to get to class since it was already 07:57.He was listening to "die for you" by The weekend, while in his own thougts.
He snapped back to reality when the teacher was yelling in front of him
Hongjoong stands up immediately and bows low
"Im so sorry miss i wont do it again"
"Im only letting you go this once Hongjoong"
The teacher says still a little annoyed
"Thank you miss, i will not do it again"Hongjoong says while sitting down, the class whispering and laughing at Hongjoong. The teacher claps on the board and that makes the classroom silent.
"Today we will start off a little different because we have a new student joining us"
The teacher says as an extremly handsome, semi-tall, black haired,dark brown eyes and very pale male walks into the classroom, stealling all the attention in the room. All the girls squeling and talking to each other about how he was oh so handsome.
The teacher started introducing him.
"Okay class, this is Choi San, he just move here from Namhae and will now be attanding this class."
Hongjoong wasnt even paying attention to what the teacher said, all he did was admire the new boy's beauty.
And before he knew it he was sitting right infront of him, Hongjoong couldent stop himself from smelling the air and oh my gosh did he smell good, Hongjoong could feel he wanted more of the smell and it was driving him crazy.Hongjoong ended up not focusing the whole class and before he knew it, it was recess. It was only Hongjoong and San that was left in the classroom.
Hongjoong was just staring at him and smelling the air over and over again, suddenly the silence broke.
"Why are you staring at me, hm?"
San says as he is turning around in his chair so he could look at hongjoong.
Hongjoong turned bright pink from ear to ear while san was laughing at his cuteness.
"Im joking im joking, dont be shy"
Hongjoong was embarrsed as he was shyly looking at San who was staring at him with a slight smirk on his face.
Hongjoong then broke the silence again.
"Uhm.. i really like your perfume, it smells really good"
That made San smirk even more when the smaller boy confessed.
San then takes his phone out and places it infront of Hongjoong.
"Give me your number"
Hongjoong looks up at San like a confused cat
"But i will ruin your reputation, im the weird one in this class everyone will think your weird too, i dont want to do that to you" San looks at Hongjoong and grabs him by his chin gently and brings him closer, they are now inches away and Hongjoong is almost crazy of how amazing San smells
"Does it look like i care about what the others think? You were the first person i saw when i entered the classroom and i couldn't concentrate at all because all i could think about was you, so i need you to be a good boy and give me your number, hm?"
San's words made Hongjoong feel weak, so Hongjoong noded quietly and began typing his number in.
The moment hongjoong was done typing his number, the bell rang and San quickly winked at Hongjoong which made him blush slightly, and San got back to his original postition.After school Hongjoong was packing his stuff, everyone had left the classroom. Hongjoong was humming when he suddenly felt a big figure behind him. Hongjoong froze, big strong arms snaked around his waist and a head on his shoulder, he looked at the male next to him, to see it was San, his eyes full of lust.
"Hm wanna hear somthing weird?"
Hongjoong whimpered a yes which San seemed to enjoy because there was a slight smirk on his face.
"I never got your name love"
Hongjoong looked like a red ballon, his face covered with blush.
"My.. My names Hongjoong, Kim HongJoong."
"Hmm.. a pretty name for a pretty boy"
San said it low, almost whispering, which sent shivers down Hongjoongs spine.
San turned Hongjoong around so they were face to face.
"You know, you really turn me on"
San groaned while staring down at the shorter, towering over him, his eyes filled with lust.
San put a finger under Hongjoong's chin, lifting it up.
They were inches away, hongjoong could feel San's breath on his lips, right when San was about to kiss him, Hongjoong pulled away.
"Im sorry but.. i can't do this, i dont even know you."
San looked confused as he slowly pulled away.
"Im sorry San, i just want to know you better first."
San just stood there looking at Hongjoong that was packing his bag quickly, when he was done packing he left the confused San in the classroom.

• Lights out • HongSan
Short StoryHongsan fanfiction .. Hongjoong has always been the weird kid in his class, but that all changed when the new kid joined.