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8:38 am

location: mr.o's classroom.

"JESSICA ABRAMS?" the teacher called out, "here." , "anna kone?" , "present." melynie rolled her eyes silently, she couldnt stand people who said anything other than here. "paisley cuffins?" , "here." , "uh, brandt jackson?" "president!" he called out,

melynie then turned around to face paisley, "that was so not funny" she whispered. paisley nodded her head in agreement. "ok. cool guy." said the teacher, ina nonchalant voice. "um, melynie martinie?" "here." she yawned.

"y'know, i used to teach your sister, maiylee. she was terrible." melynie furrowed her eyebrows. "okay? you can continue.." the teacher then cleared his thoat.

"uh, maya ishii-peters..?" , "present!" , "ishii .. oishi .. your making me hungry." he pointed, "that means food right?" he questioned. "oh my effing god." melynie groaned. school had just barely started and people were ALREADY pissing her off.

"yea. thats crazy, how do you know that?" maya smiled. "spent a little time in japan teaching english in my 20s.." he finished. "my god.. kill me right now" melynie huffed, banging her head on her desk. she felt second hand embarrassment for maya.

they werent exactly friends, but one time in 6th grade melynie said she liked maya's backpack. (it was a my little pony backpack, DUH!) anyways, they havent talked since then.

"alright, listen up everyone." said mr.o, "i have your locker assignment." he finished, paisley crossed her fingers, shifting her eyes to melynie. "hope we get our lockers close!" she squealed. melynie hummed, not really listening but instead, thinking of a certain someone.

"dustin loves maya," paisley read. melynie's jaw dropped, "okay, what the eff?!" she whisper-shouted. "that had to be a joke, right?" paisley nodded reassuringly. melynie shrugged, "well if it is, its totally effed up. maya's like super nice." she frowned.

paisley gave her a dirty look, personally, she didnt like maya nor anna. she thought they were like super weird.


12:32 pm

location: the playground

paisley grinned with her two pigtails, she was happy, she had FINALLY gotten a chance to be on the swings with alex. usually heather is hogging the whole entire area.

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