What Happned? (One Direction Fanfic)

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What happens when best friends are torn apart from each other? Friends since primary school and now what? The story of how these best friends deal with love and hate. Will they be reunited with each other? Everything was fine but...what happened?

*story is better than description* :)



18 years old

Brown hair

Brown eyes


Medium height

18 years old

Strawberry blonde hair

Brown eyes



17 years old

Blonde hair

Blue eyes


Medium height

18 years old

Brown hair

Brown eyes


Mid tall

18 years old

Dirty blonde hair

Blue/green eyes

I'm sure you know the rest...



~all aged 6~

Eliza's POV

"I'll race you all to the cubby house!"

"Harry, we all know who's gonna win that one..." I said

"Oh yea? And who's that gonna be?"


I gave myself a head start and started running towards the cubby house.

"Hey! Your such a cheater!!"

I kept running as fast as my little legs could carry me. I finally reached the cubby house to find Jess, Alita, Grace and Stef inside playing in the mini kitchen.

"Hi, watcha playing?"

"We're playing mums and dads but the others haven't come yet!" Said grace

"Oh don't worry Harry's should be here in 3...2..."


"Yes Harry?" I said while giggling

"You cheated!" He replied while out of breath.

"I did not! Your just a slow starter..." I said with my hands behind my back and bouncing on my tippy toes. Harry's didn't reply but just fell on the floor, lying on his back.

"Harry what are you doing?" Asked Alita

"I'm...tired..." He replied between breaths

"Well ya better get up coz your the dad!" Said Stef

This was when all the other boys finally showed up and we started to play.

-end of flashback-

If only it was like that now...

We used to be so happy when we were young...I don't even know what happened.

I guess you could say that this is the story of how it all began...


Hey guys hope you like my little pre-story thingy mabobby. Umm so yea enjoy the rest I guess!

By the way I know I said I would post this on the weekend but its a long weekend in Australia so it technically counts right?? I dunno sorry anyways...and also the boys are still in school in this book so yeah


- Eliza Xx

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