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For so long he had been afraid to love. For so long he had kept up his walls and locked himself up, because he was afraid to open up to anyone ever again. The one he had truly loved, the only one he had ever loved, broke his heart in ways he never thought was possible. He thought he could never love again, that was until Castiel Novak walked into his office. Those piercing blue eyes, the shy smile and how he clumsy made his way over to the chair. In that moment Dean knew that he could love again, he just had to learn how to open up. He almost lost him, countless times, because he was so caught up in his own fear, that he refused to let Castiel close to his heart, but somehow, the blue eyed man managed to sneak his way in. Managed to break down the walls and reach out to him. Castiel could've walked away, and he did, but he could've walked away and never come back. He always came back and Dean never understood why, but he was happy he did. It all started with a contract, but it turned out to be so much more. Love, friendship, a partner for life, and Dean had never been more happy in his entire life. 

He had done his best to impress Castiel, given him everything he wanted, tried to love him, and it was all worth it. Eventually, he was able to love again, and it was all thanks to Castiel Novak, exude me, Castiel Winchester. 

They got married, and it was a beautiful wedding. They bought a house, a beautiful one, on the beach. They adopted two wonderful children, Charlie and Bobby. They made some great memories there. Birthday parties, sunday dinner with their families, BBQ's with their friends, their life had been amazing. They had seen the world. Travelled and visited many exotic and different places. They had loved each other more than anyone could ever love another human being, and the longer they stayed together, the more they loved each other. 

Their children started school, first grade and they were so proud of them. Bobby was a few years older than Charlie, so they got to experience everything twice. They were both doing great in school and both of them knew that their children would do great things. Bobby showed a big interest in cars and Charlie liked video games. Then Bobby came home with his first girlfriend, and so did Charlie. They went through heartbreaks, disappointment, stupid fights because neither Bobby or Charlie wanted to do the dishes, but they also went through countless of good times and love. Dean didn't want his life to be any different. 

Castiel was by his side when his father died, it was a sad period of their life, but they got through it. Dean got through it, because he had Castiel. Nothing was impossible as long as they had each other. Castiel supported him when his mother died. They were all gathered around the hospital bed as she took her last breath, and Dean felt as if he took his last breath as well, but Castiel was there, and showed him how to breathe again. 

Charlie and Bobby grew up to be great people, went off to college and started their own lives. Dean and Castiel stayed in their house on the beach. Dancing in the living room to the music from the radio. Drinking coffee on the porch, watching the sun disappear behind the ocean, and occasionally they would skinny dip. They were never to old to have fun. They would make love, every night, touching each other, loving each other, more and more for each kiss, and they moved with the waves outside their window. 

They grew old together, side by side, for better and for worse. They stayed together through the loving moments, and the fights. Stupid fight over who forgot to water the plants and why the living room looked like a mess. Every time Castiel got upset, Dean wold slowly walk over to him, place his hands on his cheeks and kiss him. That usually slowed everything. They were happy. 

Castiel had always been there for Dean, by his side holding his hand, and Dean felt his heart break when he had to be there for Castiel, holding his hand and his life drifted away. Castiel was 86 years old when he died. He had a long life. In his final moment, Dean was sitting next to him, holding his hand, stroking it with his thumb and talking about everything they had done together, everything they had been through. Castiel was smiling the entire time and the last thing he said to Dean was, 

"I love you, Dean Winchester" followed by a single, weak nod. 

Castiel closed his eyes and Dean kissed his lips one last time. A tear falling from his eye. Castiel's story was over. 

Now Dean is laying in his bed, looking up at the ceiling, he's 93 years old. Charlie is holding his hand and Bobby is talking about Castiel. Dean is smiling, closing his eyes. Bobby stops talking and Charlie holds back her tears as Dean opens his mouth and says, 

"I love you, Castiel Winchester". 

Their story is over. 

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