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A/N: i accidentally deleted the first chapter so....

alexander hamilton

"alright class, you're getting seated by my choice, no more free seats," my teacher, mr. washington, smiles innocently. you can hear continuous moans and groans coming from my class. i'm fine with it, as my friends aren't in this class.

everyone's sitting with a friend or a group they're in. unfortunately for me i have to move from my seat. i'm exactly in the middle of the room, and for some reason im getting moved to the back of the room.

i grabbed my bag and sat in the seat closest to the wall, and pulled out my laptop to probably pull up some youtube to watch before class starts. every desk can withstand two people, so someone's most likely sitting next to me.

i hear a bag fall on the ground and the presence of someone in the seat next to me, so i was right. i look over and see one of the jocks of the school... ew.

john laurens. he has hazel eyes and soft brown hair. he has that stupid varsity jacket that his whole friend group has. he looks like kurt from heathers but all done up in blue and gold!

i grab some bluetooth headphones and connect them to my laptop, watching some stupid videos on youtube. i felt a tap on my shoulder, and i looked at where it came from. of course, said blonde man tapped.

"yes?" i paused the video and put the headphones around my neck. he contemplated for a split second before opening up his mouth.

"what's your name, man? i'm john laurens." he mentioned. i would've spit a smartass answer since literally everyone knows him, but i fight back the urge and talk in a more respectful manner.

"alexander hamilton, i'm at your service," i quickly mentioned. he nodded and looked away. i pull up my headphones and continue watching.

as much as i would love to talk to john, i feel like i'd get made fun of for talking to a popular guy as a nerd like me.

i hear the bell ring about a minute later, so i pull down the headphones once more and turn my attention to the class.

so long for my attention as john grabs my attention. "i suck at english. what subject is your weakness?"

i think for a moment if i want to answer his question. i shrug in response to him, "i have all a's in my classes. they're not too hard for me,"

i smile innocently. if he had water, he would've spat it out. "how the hell do you-"

"studying." i answer, then copy off the notes on the board. i notice john struggling to keep up with the teacher's pace, so i show him my notes and continue to copy the notes at mr. washington's speed.

as soon as i was done with writing notes, i went back on my laptop. "how did you go at his pace? that was honestly so cool!"

"he says what he's writing out loud, you listen and write. add any details he didn't say afterwards since his notes are on the board and decorate your page once he's done." i shrug and say like it's easy, watching his face contort into a confused expression.

"how the hell-" he says, and i shush him.  he surprisingly does, and looks down at his notes. "how do you do all that?"

"maybe i could teach you in a different class period or another day," i chuckle. he nods in agreement, and tries to catch up with the notes. all i'm really doing is watching some youtube to kill time.

time sped by through fast, and the bell rung after what felt like seconds. i close my laptop and connect my headphones to my phone, and pack. john gave me a little wave and i waved back, feeling my cheeks go warm. what the fuck?

┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧

"mon ami, you sure that it isn't just a crush?" my friend, lafayette, asks me. i look at him, almost squinting at him.

"yes! why would i like a jock like him?" i ask, poking at my food. my other friend, hercules, gives lafayette glance and a smirk.

"i mean, you've fallen head over heels for a girl as popular as him. kitty livingston was her name, eh?" hercules torments, making me groan loud.

"it lasted a week! and it's weird to think about now. she's the reason why i can't look at popular kids the same." i look at them. i see lafayette open his mouth, making me turn up my headphones to drown him out.

he looks like an idiot with his lips flapping like i'm listening to his lecture about love. i'm not in love. why would i like him?

i turn my head over and spot john and his friends. his group consists of richard meade, tench tilghman, and robert harrison. they all go by their last names, though.

"MON AMI." laf yells and somehow gets through my music, i pull down the headphones and you can still hear it blasting. "you know what? fine, be like that."

laf takes a dramatic sip out of his drink. i pause my music and look back at my food.

nope. i can't love john laurens. gross. why would i?

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