Birthday Party

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Todays the day my birthday I'm finally 21 I got a shower started getting my makeup an hair together I finally put my dress an heels on I can hear the guest arriving just then I heard a knock on the door it was mama T * Mama T you look beautiful my dear I know im.not your mom.but of I were I would be proud of the young lady you became..I started smiling trying not to cry. I got you something dear it's a antique necklace that will go perfect with your dress. She put its on perfect dear you look perfect we walk out together waiting down the stairs was izakaya, Bull, Emmett. Wow pipsqueck. You actually look like an girl. Shut up Emmett I smirked. We walked out to greet the rest of the guest.. everything was beautiful. The music the decor the food was delicious. An the drinks was Amazing. ! Only bad thing about wine or any liquor is that I can't handle it. After two drinks I was done..I started to wonder why Jake wasn't at party still. Just when I was heading back to grab another drink somebody grabbed my hand it was Jake. What you are you doing he asked..I laughed obviously getting more to drink..where u been I asked he looks at me and says I have a surprise for. You. Close your eyes. I close my eyes he leads me a way from the crowd we go to the pool house he tells me open my eyes..I open my eyes in pure was decorated in balloons flowers an candles. In middle was a cake an gifts. Omg what what Is all this. I's all for you baby girl.. he said happy birthday. It was so many gifts from Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton an all the designers. Also my favorite cake from the shop I use live by. I turned around an hug him. Thank you we made our way back to the party. With everyone else. Everyone eyes got big as they seen us together. Mama T well what's going on here she asked. He smiled were together now mama t smiled so big. I turn around to see the guys in shock..

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