Chapter 1

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if it's in bold it's a POV.
enjoy reading!

Ashlyn's POV
After the incident, we have been at a corner store not continuing the mission to Savannah. Taylor was too tired and worn out to move on and we wanted to give as much time as possible to her. Soon Taylor turned very quiet at school and in the phantom realm. She talked only when necessary and came to school every other day. We all needed to grief. Everyday at the corner store we sat and slept the whole night. No one wanted to move. Every time I wanted to say something and continue on, Ben would stop me from saying the wrong things and I'd just have to wait till we could get back up again. Since we stayed at the corner store for so long I started thinking, *Was it my fault? if I had went back for Tyler when we were getting chased, could he have been saved?* I missed Tyler but I didn't want to be selfish and immediately leave like nothing happened, so I let time pass by. Turned into 2 months.

Tyler was now in a coma and he hasn't been good. You wouldn't believe how much as happened to Taylor these past two months. On Friday, Taylor didn't come to school. Taylor was super out of tune without her brother. She started dressing differently, looking more lazy then ever. She started seeing a therapist and would have headphones to cancel out noise. Her grades slipped even tho she was usually top of the class and she was removed from the Mechanics club from her poor participation. Everything went down hill for the whole team, especially Taylor.

When she wasn't at school on Friday, the group was able to talk about her, wondering what to cheer her up with.
'Hey maybe we should cheer her up by going over to her house after school. Bring some food over?' Aiden said with his usual smile.
'Would she even be home? Maybe she has Ms. Lauren today.' Ash said.
'She doesn't have therapy on Fridays. Only the weekends and Thursdays.' Logan said, hesitant.
'Then yea, I guess we could go as a surprise. Just lets not make her uncomfortable? With the phantoms and running for our lives, it isn't getting easy for her at all.' Ashlyn spoke.
'I'll bring pizza! Extra large.' Aiden yelled in excitement. 'Cheer Taylor up is on the go!'
They chuckled and agreed they would meet at Ashlyn's house for a ride to Taylor's at 6pm. The bell rang for the end of lunch and they all walked out spilling their trash out and placing the trays stacked up above the trash can.

Ashlyn sat in her living room waiting for the others to get to her house. "Ring ring!"
Plus some excessive knocking by Aiden. Ashlyn opened the door and welcomed them to keep waiting outside while she got her dad to drive them to Taylor's house.
Few moments later they were all packed up into the car with a smell of fresh pizza baked by Aidens mom. Ashlyn in the front seat, she thought about Tyler. *How will Taylor act when we bring up the concept? Would she act out and scream? Maybe she thought the same as me. It's my fault isn't it. I can't believe it was me. My fault for leaving him behind, I never knew it would cause so much to happen to Taylor. Tyler never woke up from the realm. The coma did so much to Taylor. And I caused it all.*
I jumped out my seat. Logan was tapping on my window while everyone was outside the car waiting for me to get out while I was super zoned out.
'Ashlyn? You good, girl?' Said her father.
'Oh. Yea. I'm fine.' Ash said, dizzy.
She walked out to car and went in the middle of the 3 and rang Taylor's door bell. The 4 of them stood there quietly waiting.
Aiden breaks the silence. 'Do you guys think the pizza will cure her?' Everyone shakes their head as a no. Ben taps on Aidens shoulder points to the door and everyone follows his finger. The red door slightly and slowly starts to open. Taylor stands there looking incomplete. She's wearing one of Tyler's hoodies with grey sweats. Her eye bags are like dark brown hammocks moving as she blinks.
'Hi Taylor. We missed you today.' Ashlyn said with a warm relieved smile that she answered the door.

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