1 • Super Dad 🎀

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Welcome to the alternative universe where Chris is a director and is a (busy) single father to his four girls...

* previously from my one shots book, cause that's where most of my books start *

I alternated this so it isn't identical to the one shot version, it has new parts to it so it's technically a new read for those of you who have already read!

So excited to introduce you guys to Girl Dad!Chris


~ Chris ~

The sun shines into my room, I turn to lay in the middle of my empty bed, my heavy bed spread warming my body comfortingly.

Next thing I knew, my door was opening, BANG, it hits the wall behind it.

And I knew it was my youngest baby, wandering into my room like she always does in the morning.

She's my alarm.

Two little messy buns are the only thing I see as they move around my bed.

"Dada!" little Miss Gracie appears, and I move myself to the edge to be able to greet her.

My baby girl is 3 years old, almost 4, and she's my little princess — all of them are.

"Hi princess! Good morning," I pick her up and smother her in kisses, cuddling her into my chest.

"How did you sleep?" I ask, moving away her soft hair that's gone down into her eyes.

Her older sister, Allie, gave baby Gracie here bangs one day I was at work.

"Good. I hungry, now." She tells me, putting her palm right against my beard, she likes the friction it causes which tickles her.

"Oh I bet," I chuckle, and give her another big kiss on her cute little cheek.

It's another day of being a director, I used to be an actor, but ever since my ex wife skipped town with her new boyfriend and left me with our daughters, I had to cut down on my acting career.

So I made the switch to directing full time.

The girls have stopped asking about their mother recently, they've gotten used to the tranquility since she's been gone.

The divorce was messy, god the break up alone was awful. My girls went through hell with their mother literally neglecting them.

You would think I could trust my own wife to take care of our daughters...but no...

The last fucking straw that pissed me off what she left my 9 year old alone with her two baby sisters.

My oldest was away at a cheer competition, I couldn't take her and my ex wife sure as well wouldn't care to take her so my mom did.

I filed for divorced immediately the night I found my children starved and malnourished because they didn't know what to eat for two days.

They survived off Doritos, leftover pancakes, and orange juice.

I could have her fucking arrested for child negligence, but her stupid lawyer got her out of that mess.

How? She paid the judge off.

Absolutely wrong and evil if you ask me.

I hear giggling outside my room, and I look towards the open door, I see some fingers wrapped around the near the door hinge.

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