Luna or Y/N?

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At Jungkook's office the next day
J-hope- Today Ms. Luna, the Mafia queen will come here for a meeting
Suga- We already know
Guard 1- A girl came inside the office. She didn't tell who she is and injured all our men who were stopping her.
Taehyung- It must be Luna
??- Ms. Luna
(Your outfit)

Jimin- Oh, so you are the mafia queenLuna- Yes and BTW, your Guards are really weak 😑

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Jimin- Oh, so you are the mafia queen
Luna- Yes and BTW, your Guards are really weak 😑. So I've decided that my men will be taken for the mission.
Jin- And why did you pick a fight with our men?
Luna- They weren't letting me in and I've got a bad temper. Now introduce me to the Mafia King. (Spots Jungkook)
Jungkook- You are the girl I saved yesterday
Luna- YAHH! You didn't save me
Jungkook- Okay, so are you the girl I met yesterday?
Luna- I told that we'll meet soon enough (wink)
Namjoon- okay okay now back to work
Taehyung- You can remove your mask and goggles
Luna- I prefer it this way
(They made a plan)
*Blah blah plan*
Luna- So, we all will be living at BTS mansion for the mission then.
Everyone- okay
Luna- I'll be leaving then
Jungkook- I also have to go somewhere important
Suga- We all know you aren't going somewhere important.
Luna- What do you mean?
Jimin- He is going to the bar. He broke up with a girl- (cut off by Jungkook)
Jungkook- YAHH! Why are you telling her this?
Luna- But I wanna know (puppy eyes hidden under goggles)
Jungkook- (Held her hand and dragged her out)
In the lift
Luna- What were they talking about?
Y/N's Pov
When Jungkook broke up with me I was really hurt. So, I became a mafia.
It was the most easy way in which I could take out my rage. I want revenge. Why am I helping them? Well, Jackson is my enemy too and I want to make Jungkook fall for me and then break his heart.
Back to present
Jungkook- None of your business
Luna- I know I should mind my own business but it's not as interesting as yours!
Jungkook- 😑
Suddenly, the lift stopped.
Jungkook shouted out of fear
Luna- (whispered) You still are the same.
A/N- When they were friends, they once got stuck in a room. Jungkook was really frightened and Y/N calmed him down. Mafias can have fears too.
To be continued..

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