I'll Be Your Shadow

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At first, things are not getting good 

They didn't end up the way they should 

I wasn't sure if I could bear them all 

Or will I be weak then just fall.

But then that day came 

When the rain went away 

When the sun manifested itself again 

Saying it's the end of my intolerable pain.

Though my edges are rough and hard to understand 

You didn't hesitate to lend a hand. 

I'm the type of person who's not easy to be with 

But you didn't have second thoughts and stayed by my side.

Every time you're here by my side 

I feel the chills I could never hide 

Spending time with you 

Helped me escape my endless blue.

I never let someone see through me, 

But because of you, I set it all free. 

When things were not getting good, 

You picked me up from the dark where I stood.

You helped me ease the pain 

You gave meaning to my life in vain 

You were there when I have none 

You picked me up and helped me stand.

You were with me all throughout 

It took me a lot of time to figure out 

That you were all that I need 

And when I'm with you, I felt relieved.

You made me come back to life 

You ended up my life full of lie 

You made the sun shine again 

You picked me up and got me out of the rain.

There are so many things I want to say 

But I can't find an easy way 

I want to say thank you 

And make you realize how much you value.

But now you have to go 

I guess I have to meet again with my endless sorrow 

I always ask, "Why don't you stay?" 

And "Why do you have to go away?"

I know I have to accept the fact that you should go 

But there is something important that you should know:

When we first saw each other 

I already knew I could never find another 

Now, gratitude has filled my heart 

Let me tell you this from the bottom of my heart: 

Thank you for all the things you've done for me 

I'm gonna treasure it for all eternity. And; 

The day that we met was a day to remember.  

A day for me to treasure forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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