Chapter 1: Present

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Age 16 (Duncan is 17)

Duncan watched her as she talked to that asshole she called her boyfriend, Alejandro. He frowned as she gave him a lingering kiss on the lips.

After Ale-Jerk-O had left for football practice, Courtney finally spotted him from where he was leaning against the brick wall. She smiled and made her way towards him, jeans hugging in all the right places. Duncan immediately hid any jealousy that was hinted on his face and replaced it with a smile.

"Hey stranger!" She said as gave him a huge hug. Duncan took this moment to breath in her scent, which was always vanilla. He loved the way she smelled, as weird and creepy as it sounded. "Hey Princess."

She rolled her eyes at the pet nickname that had stuck since they were kids.

"Wanna go get a bite?" She asked as they walked to the school parking lot. "Only if we get to ride in the 'death trap'." Death trap referred to Duncan's motorcycle, his prized possession.

Courtney hated riding in the thing; it always made her hair super crazy and it went way too fast. She could go on really and write a list of why she doesn't ride that damn motorcycle. She tried to avoid it as much as possible, but it seemed like today wasn't one of those days.

"Only if you promise to not kill me." She joked as she slipped on the helmet he kept (which was only meant for her; not that she knew that.).

"No promises Princess." He says as he pulls up on the contraption so the wheels came up the slightest bit. Courtney screamed. She absolutely hated when he did that.

Of course, that's why Duncan did it. That and because she wrapped her arms around him a little tighter.

Once that hell of a ride was over, they made their way to the local diner, which was owned by DJ's mama, a close friend of theirs. "Hey. The usual table?" DJ asked.

They both nodded and sat down at a little booth in the back, which they sat in so frequently, everybody who went there knew that was Duncan and Courtney's table. Many times people mistook them for a couple, in which Courtney would laugh off. Duncan never said anything though, because secretly he wished it was true.

They didn't even have to look at the menus, they had been here so many times that they could say the menu and order each other's meals.

After ordering they sat in silence, with Courtney just grinning at Duncan. "What?" He asked, trying not to smile himself.

"Nothing. We just haven't done this in awhile." She said, motioning between the two of them.

"Yea. You were too busy hanging out with douchebag." Courtney was well aware of Duncan's hatred of Alejandro; or any guy she dated really. She loved that he was protective over her, like a big brother.

Or a jealous crush.

"I don't know why you hate him so much." Courtney said, dipping her fries into the ketchup. "Oh that's rich." Duncan teased. "What?" Courtney asked, smiling.

"Remember when I dated Gwen and you absolutely hated her. You were so jealous!" He teases. "You bet your ass I was! She was stealing my best friend. And I didn't like her dark makeup. But we're friends now that she's dating Trent." Duncan rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say Princess."

Duncan watched as she bit her lip, a habit she had started when she was younger. Oh, how he wanted to bite that lip seductively.To kiss those cherry lips until they were swollen. To be the one she tells I love you. He wanted to worship her every curve, show her how much love and attention she deserved-

"Shit. My Mom says she needs help with Nate." Nate was Courtney's 2 year old brother. "I'll call you late okay?" She picks up her purse and ruffles his Mohawk a bit, and just like that, she's gone, only leaving behind a faint scent of vanilla.

"Your girlfriend is so pretty." Duncan looked up to see an elderly lady sitting nearby, smiling at him. "She's not my girlfriend. She's my best friend. But you're right, she is gorgeous. The most gorgeous girl I have every seen."

This chapter was horrible. So sorry. I kind of just wanted to give a flash forward moment. I think this story will be about 5-10 chapters long, depending on how many ideas pop into my head.

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