Unicorn Bandaids

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There was no real cause for it, but for some reason Eddie just couldn't stop thinking today; about things he really thought he'd finally gotten over. He spaced out all through work, the drive to the hideout, and most of the performance. He was still a little fuzzy by the time he'd gone backstage to reset his amp setup.

"Hey, Eds, what happened up there? You take something before we went up? You've been out of it since you got here, man."

Eddie looked up from his amp and squinted at the bright light behind Gareth. He smiled half- assedly.

"You know I'd never do that to the gang, at least not without sharing. Just tired is all."

Gareth's expression softened into concern, "Everything okay? How's Wayne?"

"He's good, he's good. Finally sold his dear old pickup last week."

"You finally got him to part with that old thing? Good for y'all."

Eddie nodded, turning back to his amp to end the conversation as politely as possible. Even then, he couldn't stand the eyes boring into him for the next few seconds. Even on a good day, Eddie was always in a hurry to pack up before the next hand came in. I guess even assholes like that pay the rent.

As if on cue, said assholes piled in through the back door. For the most part they acted like Eddie and the gang didn't exist, for better or worse. They stomped past, carrying flashy equipment and nearly stepping right on Eddie's.

"Move, dipshit. Our turn with this place now."

Despite every urge to bite back, Eddie just didn't have the energy. His head was still swimming as he tried his best to ignore them.

"What, are you slow? Move it."

They jabbed Eddie hard on his side with their foot, "You deaf?"

"Hearing you loud and clear, captain jackass."

The words just kind of slipped out, but it felt nice to see their face turn. Or at least it was for a brief moment.

"What'd you say, pussy?"

"Are you deaf, sweetie?" Eddie teased, getting back some energy.

"Don't you fucking call me that, fag!"

"S'cuse me?"

"You heard me, faggot. Now you better get out of here before I put my foot up your ass, or would you like that?"

A couple other hand members snickered. Eddie could feel the heat rising in his face as he stood. The asshole opened their mouth with a stupid grin on their face. Eddie punched them square in the jaw before they could get a word in.

While the band was panicking and trying to deal with their fallen member Eddie grabbed his stuff. He packed up his things haphazardly and took off down the road. The street blurred and it only made his headache worse. He didn't know how fast he was going, but it wasn't enough. His car finally screeched to a halt in his driveway and whined as he yanked the keys out of the ignition.

Eddie didn't bother to get his stuff out of the car. Instead he went straight into his room and let the dizziness take hold. He laid on the floor watching the ceiling fan spin. Everything was too hot. He took off his denim jacket, closing his eyes to avoid having to see the scars that started this whole episode.

It's not like he didn't know them well enough anyway. He'd had a whole year to hate himself for the one time he'd decided to be a hero. And that dickhead, why did I let them get to me? It wasn't like him to hit someone. He hadn't let his anger control him like that since middle school for fuck's sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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Eddie Munson x Nonbinary Reader Short FluffWhere stories live. Discover now