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10:36 AM APRIL 27, 2023 One day, Mafuyu was staring at the window. She saw that there was a new person moving in their neighborhood."Oh it's Ms. Yoisaki!" Mafuyus mother said."Huh? Is there new people moving?" Mafuyu wondered. Mafuyus mother asked Mafuyu to water the plants outside."Oh maybe this is a chance that I could talk to our neighbor." Mafuyu thought."Hi Ms. Yoisaki. How are you?" She said, "I'm doing fine.." Kanade walked forward to Mafuyu. Mafuyus thoughts : "She's very pretty. I hope I could get to know her more.""Are you there?" Kanade asked"Oh! I'm sorry I was thinking! Do you maybe want to get to know eachother?" She asked."Sure, I would love to." She answered


M: "Whats your name?"

K : Kanade, what about yours?

M : My name's Mafuyu. Your name is very pretty.."

K: "Thank you, yours is too."

Mafuyu was flustered.

"Kanade your mom is calling you to go outside!" Ms. Asahina said.

K: Oh I am sorry I have to go maybe we could-

Mafuyu stopped Kanades sentence by holding her hand from going.

M: Could I please get your SNS? I would love to talk to you."

K: O-Oh sure.. It's ********."

After Kanade went to go Mafuyu went to her room and chatted K


Yuki : Hello?

K : Oh hello. That was a surprise, I didn't expect for you to chat me so suddenly after I had to go.

Yuki : I still would like to talk.. What are your interests or hobbies?

K : Oh.. I like cupnoodles and watching or reading movies, anime and manga. What about yours?

Yuki : I like visiting aquariums..

K : That's nice..


Yuki is pretty.. She said she likes to visit aquariums, maybe I should ask her to go to one.

K : Hey Yuki

M: Hm?

K : Would you like to go to the aquarium.?

M : Sure, I would love to.

N25 But They Took Antidepressants | Kanamafu AUWhere stories live. Discover now