Hi! again I have another story for you
It's just a little life story but I didn't write this for clout of pity I just wanna share my storyThis begins in the afternoon on the 14 April 2016 I was 5 years old . I was hanging out with my "friends" by the house . They told me that we were going to play with a ball by the road. So they went ahead and I went to my house,when I got there my parents had bought some fries/chips 🍟so being the nieve child took a handful and took it to my 4 years older "friends" and we ate then played . But then the ball went into the road.
And seeing I was the youngest I had to go and take it . I don't know what happened after but apparently I got hit by a texi .😬 yeah.
The next thing I remembered was waking up in the hospital and my mom offering me water .while I was drinking she took a picture. So I broke my left arm and leg and I fractured my right leg. so I was in hospital for like 3 months after that I had like 3 or 4 surgerys done.i servived. After then I went home it was fine nobody judged me they just asked a lot of questions.
Some times I feel normal that I'm not differently abled so I forget that I'm DA so year .that's it
I found out my hand isn't really broke its called brachial plexus
Anyway Bye!
You know ive been thinking of puttinga limit on my life _ ok ive desided i will die on 5 July 2045 ill be ofcicially a quarter 100 at the age of 25