Awaken from Unconsciousness

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A black void filled Yukio's mind, his battle with Kaiba took more of a toll on him then first expected. Total numbness and silence fell over him. Suddenly, a voice calls out from the void of Yukio's subconscious.

???: You can't suppress the emotions forever Yukio! You can't hide what you really are!! *A maniacal laugh echo's through the void, but before long it turned into the voice of Nuri calling out to Yukio.*

Nuri: Yukio! Yukio! Are you ok?! *She nudges him a few times, Yukio's eyes open slowly, squinting slightly at the light pouring in through the window of the room, he glances round realising he's on a hospital style bed, being surrounded by Nuri, Animaki and a few village healers.*

Yukio rubs his eyes and goes to sit up but flinches before getting into a position where he can see his surroundings better.

Yukio: Wha-? Where am I...? Nuri, Animaki...what're you doing here?

Animaki: You passed out after fighting that black haired guy, luckily the villagers were able to give you some herbs to stop you from going into a coma or something... *A concerned look runs across Aninaki's face, Yukio has never seen her like that before, she'd always been relaxed and calm*

 *A concerned look runs across Aninaki's face, Yukio has never seen her like that before, she'd always been relaxed and calm*

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(The image above is ai art of Animaki, however it doesn't display the desired emotions or the setting I want in this chapter.)

(The image above is of ai art for Nuri but like the Animaki one it doesn't show the true emotions or the setting

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(The image above is of ai art for Nuri but like the Animaki one it doesn't show the true emotions or the setting.)

Nuri: Indeed Yukio, Animaki has a point, you had overworked yourself avoiding all those attacks while also attacking back. It's a miracle he never pierced you with his katana...

Yukio stretched his arms snapping out of his sleepy state and looking over to Nuri.

Yukio: Yeah...he was really fast, and his attitude..who was that guy?

???: He was Prince Kaiba, the son of the current Hazuni Emperor. He's wanting to prove himself worthy to inherit his fathers thrown, so he decided to come to this village and try and get us to increase our grain production... *A voice called out, Nuri, Animaki and Yukio look over to see the elder of the village walk in a worried look on his face.*

Yukio: W-wait what?! That rude dude was a Prince?! *He gasped but pulled a muscle in his back from straining himself.*

Village Elder: Indeed he was, I sense a deep anger within his soul. A desire to prove himself, but for what reason I don't know why...But I have a feeling you'll be running into him again very soon...

Animaki: Great...Just great. He almost killed an entire village out of childish rage, almost kills Yukio and he's a prince. What a lovely combination to make a opponent to us..

Nuri: This is quite the bad situation we're in. If it's true we are to clash with this Kaiba again we need to be more prepared to deal with his unique set of abilities...

Yukio: Don't worry guys! *Yukio smiled and gets off the bed he was on, sorting out his kimono and grabbing his Katana.*

Yukio: We've dealt with powerful opponents before, I'm sure we'll be fine..I hope anyway..

Animaki's mood alters seeing this and smiles.

Animaki: Yeah you're right Yukio, it's our objective to topple those Hazuni bastards anyway. So why not start with this Kaiba guy.

Nuri: I like the optimism of you both, however, we both need to come to an agreement as a group. That including Naruchi.

Yukio's and Animaki's enthusiasm sinks slightly as Nuri said his name but before they could protest Naruchi himself entered the room. 

Naruchi: Need to come to an agreement as a group on what? *He scanned over everyone in the room before looking at Yukio, glaring at him slightly.*

Nuri: Coming to an agreement on what to do next in regards to facing opponents like that Kaiba character.

Naruchi stopped glaring at Yukio and his expression changed to one of deep thought.

Naruchi: I suppose it would be against our objectives to not fight against the Hazuni's. We just need to be more cautious when facing such a high profile targets like him...

Yukio: Yeah so what we can do it. We've beaten plenty of their goons and even two of their high profile generals.

Animaki: I agree with Yukio. We're plenty able to deal with that Kaiba guy. We'll send him packing just like the others who tried to stop us!

Naruchi sighs and looks at Nuri for her opinion.

Nuri: I have a feeling we can do it. Besides we'd be failing to protect to innocent people if we don't do this.

Naruchi: I suppose that settles it then. We'll head back to our base for now then go from there. Do we have any idea where they might be next?

The others looked at each other confused and unable to provide an answer.

Village Elder: Perhaps I can be of some assistance?

The others look over to the elder.

Naruchi: Go on.

Village Elder: There is another village, Oresk it's called, close to the Great Forest. I overheard some soldiers saying that the young prince has a problem with the Chieftain of the village. So I'd assume they will go their next.

Yukio: That settles is then! To Oresk! *He ran out the building with the rest of the Clovers following him.*

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