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A couple of weeks later, Rayne found herself sitting in her Dad's private jet flying across the atlantic ocean to Sweden. A lot had happened since the discussion in the kitchen, both Mara and Rayne had been taken out of school and were going to finish their education in their new country, a home had been purchased after everyone had decided on it and all of the family's belongings were shipped to Stockholm. Rayne was told that Myrkviðr was a 5 hour journey from the airport, they were first going to have to get a 4 hour train to a large town and a 1 hour bus to get to the final destination. It was going to be a new experience for the family, as in the USA they would be privately driven or flew to their destinations. The flight to Stockholm was a total of 11 hours in the jet, so Rayne was keeping herself occupied with drawing, reading, watching movies and listening to music, she also played the occasional board game with Mara.

The plane landed safely in Stockholm and everyone grabbed their luggage and off they went in search of the train to bring them to their first interval in travel. As soon as everyone was situated in their seats, they prepared themselves for the long journey ahead. It was nighttime by the time the train left the station and most people had nodded off, including Mara. Rayne huddled up beside her big sister and drew on her ipad. She listened to music as she drew as she was unable to sleep due to the time differences in Sweden. 3 hours past and Rayne's ipad was nearly dead. She plugged it in to charge and tried to fall asleep. She lay listening to the creaking of the train on the old rails and the pitter-patter of snow on the windows and soon drifted into slumber.

Rayne dreamt that she was in a dark forest, in front of her stood a grand cathedral laced with heavy snow. The black exterior contrasted greatly, making it tall and looming above her. She felt an emotion of familiarity towards the building, she felt she'd been there before, then it struck her; this was the place where the painting was created. 'God's triumph' had been painted here in the 1500's, there were pictures of this cathedral online where Rayne has searched. The snow drifted silently down and landed on the area surrounding Rayne, in the distance everything was fogged over, visibility was low.

Rayne made a start towards the entrance steps of the building, it felt welcoming and drew her in. The tall, dark wooden door cracked open and Rayne slowly entered. She found herself in a huge entrance hall, the interior was just as dark as the exterior, black candles burnt above her, held in an exquisite pentagram shaped chandelier. "Fuck what have i gotten myself into.." Rayne thought. She was admiring the paintings and tapestries on the wall when she heard a clicking sound. She turned around to face the grand staircase, it seemed as if it went up infinitely.

Standing dauntingly in shadows, barely visible, was a figure, slightly glints of light were reflecting off a metallic mask that covered the face of the figure. It was wearing an all black outfit, with black slacks, dress shoes, tie and suspenders. A tail tipped with a spade curled itself around its owner in a proud manner. Rayne felt herself backing up against a pedestal containing a gargoyle statue carved of black obsidian. The creature- or human- slowly made its way down the stairwell and towards Rayne. She cowered against the stone wall in fear, the light from the stained glass windows above her illuminated the figure in front of her, casting a shadow behind him that resembled the devil himself, the thing's mask was that of a demon with pointed horns and a pointed chin and nose. "Kinda hot.. wait shut the fuck up, he's gonna kill me" thought Rayne. The demon was now standing before Rayne, he was slightly taller than her and had a thin frame. One of his gloved hands reached towards Rayne's chin, lifting her head so she could look into his eyes. He had stunning pale blue eyes, they shone like the moon. His eyelids dropped slightly as if he was proud of himself. Rayne was terrified, she was frozen in place. The demon studied her some more, drawing closer and closer to her, until he was pressing her against the wall, his hand on the wall above her, she could smell expensive cologne on him, she could see a triangle stitched onto his shirt with silver thread. An upside down cross with a 'G' entwined in it hung on his neck with a black interwoven leather string. Rayne's fear was passing quickly when she realised what the demon wanted, she raised an arm and placed it on the cheek of his mask, this started him a little and he moved his head back suddenly before leaning into her touch. He removed his gloved claws from her chin and hooked it around Rayne's waist, pulling her flush against him. She gazed up at this creature and smirked, his other hand moved from the wall as he pushed her against it and snaked his hand up up her back and entangled it in her hair, he stared down at her and she stared right back up. What a strange dream...

Rayne was shook awake by Mara, they had arrived at the town. Rayne took her luggage and followed her family out onto the platform, it was covered in snow. She looked around, the platform was in a dense forest, Rayne looked behind her, admiring the nature as she followed her parents into a terminal full of little markets. They stopped at a little restaurant to refill their stomachs and converse in their journey so far. Rayne was still thinking about the strange encounter she had while sleeping, she decided she wasn't going to tell anyone. Once their bus has arrived, they piled on and tried their best to stay awake.

They winded their way through thick forests and past beautiful frozen over lakes. Rayne was amazed by the beauty of everything, and was nearly shitting herself when she saw their new home.

 Rayne was amazed by the beauty of everything, and was nearly shitting herself when she saw their new home

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The family piled out and thanked the bus driver. Rayne was last to hop out when the driver stopped her and said "you be careful, you look like you could get yourself into the unimaginable. Don't mess with things you don't understand" Rayne nodded and hopped off. "What the fuck?"

Once everyone was settled down in their new rooms, they came to the kitchen to have dinner. "So Rayne, what did the bus driver say to you?" asked Rayne's mother, Morrigan. "Oh he was just saying something about how beautiful the house was" lied Rayne between bites of her food. "This pizza is delicious, Mom, thanks so much!" said Rayne

Rayne and Mara headed upstairs to their bedrooms. They were both opposites along a hallway in the west wing of the house. Mara's room faced out towards the front of the property, while Rayne's faced out towards the wilderness beyond the garden. She hopped into bed and lay awake listening to the sound of the trees rustling. A little while later it started snowing. Soft thuds of snow landing on her window relaxed her. She thought back to the dream she had on the train. She vowed to try and dream of that moment again, she enjoyed the presence of someone feeling her- not in a weird way. Rayne had never dated anyone, she didn't feel connected to anyone she knew in that sense, although she yearned for somebody to caress her like that, to hold her, to kiss her, to fu- Rayne's door flew open and Mara ran in and jumped onto her bed. "Sup sis" she said. "Jesus fucking Christ, Mara, you scared the shit out of me, what the fuck was that for??" Rayne exclaimed quietly. Mara wasn't even listening though, she was standing by the window entranced by the scenery outside. "Woah.." she said quietly. "Come look at this, Rayne" Rayne rolled out of bed and walked to the window beside Mara, she lay her forehead on the cold glass and stared out. There in the distance was a black spire, underneath the spire were the unmistakable domes of an old black cathedral. Rayne's stomach dropped, her legs went shaky and she grabbed the windowsill to steady herself. "Jesus, Rayne are you okay??" Mara cried. She grabbed Rayne and carried her to the bed, Rayne started crying and told her about the dream. "You can ask Nana tomorrow, i'm sure she knows about this, since she's lived here all her life. Rayne nodded and wiped her nose in the soft duvet. "Now, go asleep and think of happy things" Mara said quietly as she gave her younger sister a hug. Rayne thanked Mara and fell fast asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

oooooooh we're actually getting somewhere 😭😭, should there be smut in the next chapter?? i have a really good idea how to slip it in ;)

oooooooh we're actually getting somewhere 😭😭, should there be smut in the next chapter?? i have a really good idea how to slip it in ;)

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the devil's contract (oc x dewdrop ghoul/nameless ghoul) Where stories live. Discover now