CHAPTER 1: The Ferris Wheel

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Wams stood, planted to the spot, in her purple dress like a maculated dust speck in the midst of the colorful carnival. If she had any other pair of eyes, this entire sweet eyesore would've excited her to the point of no containment; clowns in cute costumes chirred on with songs, skipping past in their light-hearted facades, children laughter colonizing the event as they ran full speed ride after ride, adults strapped in for the journey with their awkward laughs and golden grins shining in the silvery moonlight.

But this was Wams Agwa we were talking about, so she all she saw were skeletons.

Each clown, each child, each person who walked by. All she saw was the future – that grim, horror-weathered future – where everyone had withered years ago, had their skins molten into their bones. Their blood evaporated in the sun.

The melody blared in her ears: The children on the bus go: Ha-ha-ha!... And a rainbow of lights coruscated like lightning in her eyes. But everything was silent. Everything was monotone.

Everything was dead, until she grabbed her hand.

April Deba giggled at her: "Wams!" she cried, "Bro, I thought I lost you."

Everything was alive again. There was color, there was music. There was her.

"Oh- April!" Wams blushed, "I-uh..."

"You good?" April said softly, hands still intertwined with hers.

Wams felt electric: "Yes-"she replied quickly, hands fumbling out of April's grasp, "Yes- yes, actually. Uhh- Yes. Sorry- hah, you caught me off guard – I was just thinking...about stuff. Yeah."

April laughed again, and Wams was really about to die at this point (or explode, whichever you prefer).

"I apologize, then!" April announced playfully, "I never mean to interrupt a philosopher at work. You can just sit here while I go to the Ferris Wheel myself-"

"April, no!" Wams hissed, "Don't you dare-"

Before she could finish her warning, April sped off in the other direction, pushing through crowds and plowing through gardens of lights, toward the Ferris Wheel all by herself.

"HELL YEAH I DARE" April screamed from the other side of the crowd. "JUST TRY AND STOP ME!"

Wams sighed, "You annoying little..." Then she smiled, "You absolute son of a bitch."

Wams ran. It was all blinding lights, carousels with unicorns, and hymns of joy that wafted through the circus air and through her flying hair as she raced after April. It was laughter, blushing and war: fighting through crowds and crowds of people and carnival to see who can make it to the Ferris Wheel first. 

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